Jawaharke Village in Mansa, Punjab | villageinfo.in
Jawaharke village is located in Mansa tehsil of Mansa district in Punjab, India. It is situated 1km away from Mansa, which is both district & sub-district headquarter of Jawaharke village. As per 2009 stats, Jawaherke is the gram panchayat of Jawaharke village.
Jawaharke Village Population - Mansa - Mansa, Punjab - Census …
Jawaharke is a large village located in Mansa Tehsil of Mansa district, Punjab with total 866 families residing. The Jawaharke village has population of 4339 of which 2296 are males while 2043 are females as per Population Census 2011.
Jawaharke Village | Map of Jawaharke Village in Mansa Tehsil, …
Map of Jawaharke Village in Mansa, Mansa of Punjab * Jawaharke Google map shows the location of Jawaharke village under Mansa, Mansa of Punjab state using Google Maps data. …
Jawaharke (Mansa, Mansa District (Punjub), India) - Population ...
Jawaharke (Mansa, Mansa District (Punjub), India) with population statistics, charts, map, location, weather and web information.
Map of Jawaharke village in Mansa Tehsil, Punjab in Google …
Satellite and street maps of Jawaharke village (1082500) in Mansa Tehsil of Mansa district in Punjab, India, data provided by Google maps database.
Jawaharke Village Details - onefivenine.com
Jawaharke Village Details . Jawaharke is a Village in Mansa Tehsil , Mansa district and Punjab State. Jawaharke village Pin code is 151505. Jawaharke Village Total population is 4339 and number of houses are 866. Female Population is 47.1%. Village literacy rate is 53.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 22.4%. Population
Jawaherke Village - onefivenine.com
Jawaherke is a Village in Mansa Tehsil in Mansa District of Punjab State, India. It is located 1 KM towards west from District head quarters Mansa. 183 KM from State capital Chandigarh. Jawaherke is surrounded by Jhunir Tehsil towards South , Bhikhi Tehsil towards North , Maur Tehsil towards west , Rampura Tehsil towards North .
Jawaharke, Mansa | Village | GeoIQ
The village Jawaharke falls in Mansa district situated in Punjab state, with a population 4673. The male and female populations are 2473 and 2200 respectively. The size of the area is about 14.11 square kilometer.
Map of Jawaharke (114) Village in Mansa 036096
The Jawaharke (114) village is located in the state Punjab having state code 03 and having the village code 036096. The Mansa is the district of this village with district code 047. The total geographical area in which this village is expanded in 1136 hectares / 11.36 Square Kilometers (km 2) / 2807.1171334671 acres. The content of this page is ...
Map of Jawaharke (114) Village in Mansa, District- Mansa Punjab …
Jawaharke (114) village is situated in Teshil Mansa, District Mansa and in State of Punjab India. Village has population of 4339 as per census data of 2011, in which male population is 2296 and female population is 2043. Total geographical area of Jawaharke (114) village is 1136 Hectares.
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