MichaelTMatthews/Jax2D: Highly scalable 2D JAX physics engine.
Jax2D is a 2D rigid-body physics engine written entirely in JAX and based off the Box2D engine. Unlike other JAX physics engines, Jax2D is dynamic with respect to scene configuration, allowing heterogeneous scenes to be parallelised with vmap .
jax2d - PyPI
2025年1月27日 · Jax2D is a 2D rigid-body physics engine written entirely in JAX and based off the Box2D engine. Unlike other JAX physics engines, Jax2D is dynamic with respect to scene configuration, allowing heterogeneous scenes to be parallelised with vmap .
Kinetix开源项目 – 基于JAX的2D物理强化学习框架 | AI-magic
Kinetix是一个用JAX编写的2D物理环境中的强化学习框架,能够统一表示多种基于物理的任务,通过生成数百万任务来训练大型通用强化学习代理。 该框架提供高效的数值计算和自动微分功能,支持复杂的2D物理环境任务,并且具有灵活的API,方便用户自定义任务和 ...
2D interpolation · jax-ml jax · Discussion #10689 - GitHub
2022年5月13日 · Do you want to interpolation on regular grid (i.e. same space along one axis, but each axis can have different space)? It seems that interp2d of https://github.com/adam-coogan/jaxinterp2d accepts x and y with different sizes, but CartesianGrid doesn't. Okay I see. xp and yp can have different size.
jax.scipy.signal.convolve2d — JAX documentation - Read the …
jax.scipy.signal.convolve2d# jax.scipy.signal. convolve2d (in1, in2, mode = 'full', boundary = 'fill', fillvalue = 0, precision = None) [source] # Convolution of two 2-dimensional arrays. JAX implementation of scipy.signal.convolve2d(). Parameters: in1 – left-hand input to the convolution. Must have in1.ndim == 2.
jax.numpy.atleast_2d — JAX documentation - Read the Docs
jax.numpy.atleast_2d# jax.numpy. atleast_2d (* arys) [source] # Convert inputs to arrays with at least 2 dimensions. JAX implementation of numpy.atleast_2d(). Parameters: arguments. (zero or more arraylike) arys (ArrayLike) Returns: an array or list of …
Generalized convolutions in JAX — JAX documentation - Read …
JAX provides a number of interfaces to compute convolutions across data, including: For basic convolution operations, the jax.numpy and jax.scipy operations are usually sufficient. If you want to do more general batched multi-dimensional convolution, the jax.lax function is …
Bilinear interpolation on grids with jax - GitHub
Basic bilinear interpolation on grids with jax. This package provides a class CartesianGrid for data defined on a regular grid and interp2d(x, y, xp, yp, zp) for data on irregular grids. CartesianGrid is a jax clone of the class from regulargrid.
phyjax2d - PyPI
2025年2月8日 · A jax-based 2d physics library, mainly intended to use for reinforcement learning research. Apache LICENSE 2.0 holds unless otherwise noted. vec2d.py is copied from PyMunk with the license-header as-is. Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages. Uploaded using Trusted Publishing?
jax.numpy.atleast_2d — JAX 文档
将输入转换为至少具有 2 个维度的数组。 numpy.atleast_2d() 的 JAX 实现。 arguments. (零个或多个类似数组) 对应于输入值的数组或数组列表。 形状为 () 的数组被转换为形状 (1, 1),形状为 (N,) 的一维数组被转换为形状 (1, N),所有其他形状的数组都保持不变返回。