Jayzed Data Models, Inc. – Data & Ontology architecture …
Jayzed Data Models, Inc. 20-year track record with leading financial institutions and consulting service providers in North America, Europe, and Asia. The FIBO in PowerDesigner
FIB-DM - Financial Industry Business Data Model – The Financial ...
Jayzed Data Models Inc., a US corporation, derived FIB-DM with CODT, our patented Configurable Ontology to Data-model Transformation. FIBO in PowerDesigner, ERWin, Sparx EA, ER/Studio, Visual Paradigm, and other data modeling tools.
Company history and milestones – Jayzed Data Models, Inc.
For almost 20 years Jayzed Data Models advised Global Financial Institutions and Consultancies. Contact Jurgen Ziemer by email [email protected] and visit Jayzed LinkedIn company page. Here is a timeline of our most influential engagements.
Open Source – Financial Industry Business Data Model - FIB-DM
Jayzed Data Models retains specialized packages for Loans, Securities, Derivatives (DER), Indices and Indicators, Collective Investment Vehicles (funds), and Corporate Actions. Commercial licenses of the extensions fund the work for the open-source core.
Jayzed Data Models Inc. - LinkedIn
www.jayzed.com Consulting track record with leading financial institutions and consulting service providers in North America, Europe and Asia Business Analysis Retail-, Commercial and...
Financial Regulation Ontologies – Jayzed Data Models, Inc.
Jayzed Data Models Inc. publishes the ontologies on a set of related websites. The publishing sites have the OWL (turtle notation) code and URIs for import. The home pages are a good starting point to lean more and download tutorials. FinRegOnt is the core ontology for Financial Institution compliance.
JayZed - YouTube
Composer/Beat MakerContact Email:[email protected] Media:Beatstars: https://www.beatstars.com/jayzedtheproducerInstagram: https://www.instagr...
ImJayzed (@imjayzed) - TikTok
ImJayzed (@imjayzed) on TikTok | 11.2M Likes. 32.6K Followers. Follow @JayzedsBurner PayPal: JayzedOrJ6 Sc:JayzedOrJ6 Follow my YouTube/I.G⬇️.Watch the latest video from ImJayzed (@imjayzed).