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Jazep Losik - Wikipedia
Jazep Losik (also known as Jazep (Yazep) Liosik; Belarusian: Язэп Лёсік; 18 November 1884 – 1 April 1940) was a Belarusian academic, leading figure of the independence movement and a victim of Stalin's purges. 展开
Losik was born into a large farming family in the village of Mikalajeŭščyna, Minsk province of the Russian Empire (nowadays Stoŭbcy district, Minsk region of Belarus). His parents were tenants on land belonging to the 展开
After the February Revolution Losik returned to Belarus and became actively involved in the Belarusian independence movement. In 1917-1918 he edited the newspaper "Free Belarus" (“Вольная Беларусь») and … 展开
After the re-occupation of Minsk by the Bolsheviks in 1920, Losik withdrew from politics and engaged in cultural, educational and academic work. From July 1921 he taught at the Belarusian State University and the Belarusian Pedagogical College and was … 展开
Losik's frictions with the Soviet authorities began in 1922, when his textbook "Practical Grammar of the Belarusian Language" was badly received and he was briefly arrested.
In July 1930, Losik was arrested in connection with the 展开Losik died on the following day after his sentence in the Saratov prison. The official cause of his death was tuberculosis but according to some sources he was executed immediately after the verdict. His burial place is unknown.
Losik was posthumously … 展开• Works by Jazep Losik (in Belarusian) 展开
CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 Язэп Лёсік Jazep Losik - Skaryna
Here we will remember the second chairman of the Belarusian Democratic Republic – the writer, linguist and academician of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences Jazep Losik (1883 – 1940). As a young teacher in tsarist Russia, …
Belarusian Socialist Assembly - Wikipedia
The Belarusian Socialist Assembly, BSA (Belarusian: Беларуская сацыялістычная грамада, romanized: Bielaruskaja sacyjalistyčnaja hramada, BSH) was a revolutionary party in the Belarusian territory of the Russian Empire. It was established in 1902 as the Belarusian Revolutionary Party, renamed in 1903.
The BSA had branches in Minsk, Vilnius and Saint Petersburg. After the February Revolution in Ru…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:2 分钟
白俄罗斯民主共和国 - 华文百科
Jazep Losik (1918–1919;表演) PiotraKrečeŭski (1919–1928) Vasil Zacharka (1928–1943) MikołaAbramčyk (1944–1970) VincentŽuk-Hryškievič (1970–1980) JazepSažyč (1980–1997) …
Jazep Losik – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Jazep Losik tworzył przede wszystkim prozę oraz przekładał na język białoruski literaturę obcą. Podejmował też próby poetyckie. Jego pierwszym opublikowanym utworem było tłumaczenie …
- 预计阅读时间:12 分钟
About: Jazep Losik - DBpedia Association
Jazep Losik (also known as Jazep (Yazep) Liosik; Belarusian: Язэп Лёсік; 18 November 1884 – 1 April 1940) was a Belarusian academic, leading figure of the independence movement and a …
Язэп Лёсік — Вікіпэдыя
- Дзяцінства і маладосьць
Нарадзіўся 18 лістапада 1884 году ў сяле Мікалаеўшчына Менскага павету. Яго бацькі, Юрка й Хрысьціна Лёсікі былі безьзямельнымі сялянамі й арандавалі землі ў князёў Радзівілаў. Яны мелі сем сыноў і трох дачок. Язэп быў іх малодшым дзіцем, таму ў першы… - Удзел у рэвалюцыі 1905 году й царскія рэпрэсіі
Быў прызначаны выкладчыкам расейскае мовы ў Бабруйскую сельскагаспадарчую школу (Менская губэрня). Працаваў у Бабруйску адзін год, у 1903 годзе ізноў вярнуўся ў Ноўгарад-Северскі й быў прызначаны настаўнікам у школу ў мястэчку Грамяч. Хутка стаў знаёміць …
- 预计阅读时间:9 分钟
- Дзяцінства і маладосьць
Язэп Лёсік: палітык, навуковец, рухавік нацыянальнага …
2024年11月18日 · Апошні раз яго сям’я мела кантакт з ім 16 ліпеня 1938 года, калі атрымала развітальную паштоўку: «Жывіце без мяне… Ваш тата». Язэп Лёсік паводле афіцыйнай …
Jazep Losik – Francis Skaryna Belarusian Library and Museum
Язэп Лёсік Jazep Losik Працягваем аповед пра айцоў-заснавальнікаў беларускае дзяржаўнасьці, навукоўцаў і літаратараў, рэпрэсаваных у часы сталінскага тэрору, чые …
of the main proponent of substantial reform, Jazep Losik, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Byelorussian Culture called an Academic Conference on the Reform of the Byelorussian …
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