JNEM 16 ILME - Connector: HDC | male; JEI; PIN: 16; 16+PE; size …
ILME JNEM 16 | Connector: HDC; male; JEI; PIN: 16; 16+PE; size 77.27; 16A; 500V - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Check out our wide range of products.
Part number CNEM 16 T - ILME
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ILME - CNEM-16T - CNE series, Male Rectangular Insert, size 77.27, 16 …
The popular CN series of screw terminal inserts are rated for 16 amps with a choice of pin counts that include 6, 10, 16, 24, 32, and 48. The ILME rectangular connector product offering …
Small profile inserts with integral screw terminal wire connection and silver-plated copper contacts, available in 3 to 32 poles. CSA approved for 10A, 600V applications and tested for …
Datasheet for JCNEM 16 Ilme - Octopart
View and download the latest Ilme JCNEM 16 PDF Datasheet including technical specifications
“JEI” inserts can be assembled in any ILME® multi-pole connector enclosure (base or hood) sizes 6, 10, 16, 24, 32 and 48 (*) and mate with all other standard inserts of same size, including …
御舵重载连接器JCNEM 16意尔玛航空模具插头 16芯公插耐高温16 …
御舵重载连接器jcnem 16意尔玛航空模具插头 16芯公插耐高温16针 国产品牌代替图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
JNEM 16 ILME - コネクター: HDC | オス; JEI; PIN: 16; 16+PE; サイ …
ILME JNEM 16 | コネクター: HDC; オス; JEI; PIN: 16; 16+PE; サイズ 77.27; 16A; 500V; 0.5÷2.5mm2 - この商品はTransfer Multisort Elektronikで入手可能です。 弊社の多種多様な商 …
JCNEM16 Connector/Terminal/Pin by ILME - Radwell International
JCNEM16 Components from ILME 2-Year Warranty - JEI SERIES MALE INSERT, 16 POLE. 16A. SIZE 77.27
JNEM 16 ILME - Conector: HDC | macho; JEI; PIN: 16; 16A; 500V; 16…
ILME JNEM 16 | Conector: HDC; macho; JEI; PIN: 16; 16+PE; tamaño 77.27; 16A; 500V - Producto disponible en Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Compruebe nuestra amplia oferta.