NXP JCOP 4 Java Card 3.0.5 Classic | CardLogix Corporation
The JCOP 4 is NXP Semiconductors N.V. latest 3rd generation SmartMX platform built for the digital services era to provide advanced security and privacy protection for citizen IDs, ePassports, payment and access management applications. The JCOP 4 operating system runs on the latest Java Card 3.0.5 Classic with GlobalPlatform 2.3.
JCOP 4 P71 is a conversion platform that supports EMV and SECID applications. It can be used for the following applications: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover and other payment applications JCOP 4 P71 is highly configurable. The base configuration includes all required functionality for Europay, Master-Card and Visa (EMV) payment cards.
NXP J2A040 JCOP 21 V2.2/36K - usasmartcard.com
The JCOP 4 is NXP Semiconductors N.V. latest 3rd generation SmartMX platform built for the digital services era to provide advanced security and privacy protection for citizen IDs, ePassports, payment and access management applications. The JCOP 4 operating system runs on the latest Java Card 3.0.5 Classic with GlobalPlatform 2.3.
J2R110|J3R110|J2R150|J3R150|J3R180即JCOP4系列JAVA卡的应用 …
2019年6月30日 · 当前J2R110|J3R110|J2R150|J3R150|J3R180芯片的JAVA卡, 分EMV和SecID 版本。 EMV版本,主要应用在金融领域;SecID版本,主要应用电子身份领域,电子身份证领域主要才用到ECC算法 电子身份证领域主要才用到ECC 算法 、Gen Key加密算法。 目前J3R SecID系列已经获取到CC EAL 6+ 证书。 J3R系列JAVA卡的RAM(即Trasient Memory)共有4K,相对J3H系列来说,足足多了0.8K,而APDU Buffer Size更是可扩展更大。
2019年5月14日 · The JCOP 4 is NXP Semiconductors N.V. latest 3rd generation SmartMX platform built for the digital services era to provide advanced security and privacy protection for citizen IDs, ePassports, payment and access management applications.
JCOP 4.5 | EMVCo
EMV ® Specifications are technical requirements for designing payment products to work seamlessly and securely everywhere. EMV 3DS allows seamless authentication of consumers to prevent card-not-present (CNP) fraud and increase the security of e-commerce payments.
NXPJCOP4LFA4 | PDF | Emv | Computing - Scribd
This document provides specifications and features for the JCOP 4 EMV P71 Java Card, including: - Java Card version 3.0.5 Classic and GlobalPlatform 2.3 - Up to 220kB of flash memory (CMOS040 technology) and optional MIFARE and contactless options - Cryptography including DES/TDES, AES 256, RSA 2048, ECC, and SHA-1/2 - EMVCo hardware and ...
CardLogix Expands Applet Support for NXP JCOP 4 Java Cards
2019年10月9日 · Combined with NXP’s CC EAL6+ certified SmartMX® 3 Microcontroller, JCOP 4 is built with highest-security assurance in mind to protect cardholders’ most valuable asset – their identity. JCOP 4 smart cards deliver benchmark transaction performance for EMV payments and other high-speed applications.
J3R150 JCOP4 P71 SmartMX3 EMV Version, GlobalPlatform Card ...
By adhering not just to the standards themselves, but also to their spirit as evidenced in numerous heritage applications, JCOP 4 P71 ensures large interoperability with third-party applets as well as all existing Smart Card infrastructures.
NXP JCOP 4 - CardLogix Corporation
The JCOP 4 is NXP Semiconductors N.V. latest 3rd generation SmartMX platform built for the digital services era to provide advanced security and privacy protection for citizen IDs, ePassports, payment and access management applications. JCOP 4 is built on the latest Java Card Version 3.0.5 Classic and GlobalPlatform 2.3.