Joint Chiefs of Staff > Directorates > J8 | Force Structure, …
J-8 conducts joint, bilateral, and multilateral war games and interagency politico-military seminars and simulations. It develops, maintains, and improves the models, techniques, and capabilities used by the Joint Staff and combatant commands to conduct studies and analyses for CJCS.
Biographies - Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jennifer J. Balisle Vice Director for Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, J8 VIEW BIO
Vice Adm. Sara A. Joyner > Joint Chiefs of Staff > Article View
Joyner currently serves as Director, Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, J8, Joint Staff. She is entitled to wear the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, as well as several other personal unit and campaign awards.
Joint Chiefs of Staff - Wikipedia
The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) is the body of the most senior uniformed leaders within the United States Department of Defense, which advises the president of the United States, the secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council and the National Security Council on military matters.
Programs & Requirements ‹ Joint Staff ‹ The National Guard
The NG J8 conducts analysis on future requirements, generates capabilities to resolve those requirements, and advocates for resources to fulfill requirements for National Guard Title 10, Title 32, and State Active Duty (SAD) overseas and domestic missions.
J8 Force Structure Resources and Assessment Directorate - AcqNotes
Since then, J-8 has provided resource and force structure analysis and advice to the Chairman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). See JCIDS Gatekeeper. The J-8 Directorate develops capabilities, conducts studies, analyses, and assessments, and evaluates plans, programs, and strategies for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
ROY W. COLLINS > Air Force > Biography Display
1995年5月1日 · Maj. Gen. Roy W. Collins is the Deputy Director for Force Protection, the Joint Staff, J8, where he leads three Force Protection Divisions including the Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization responsible for the advocacy and integration of Joint IAMD capabilities; the Force Protection Division which identifies and develops joint ...
Requirements and Resources Directorate
The official website of the United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)
Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization
The Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO) supports the CJCS, through the Director Joint Staff J-8, in their responsibilities to coordinate development of air and missile defense capabilities.
Sharpening Our Competitive Edge: Honing Our Warfighting …
2023年10月30日 · The Joint Staff Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment Directorate (Joint Staff J8) is critical to effective global wargaming. While it does not have specific oversight over the conduct of wargames across DOD, the J8 administers the Wargaming Incentive Fund and manages the Wargaming Repository to foster novel wargaming and collect observations.