.444 wildcats - Shooters Forum
2009年1月13日 · Robert Hutton wrote of wildcatting the then new 444 Marlin in the October 1964 issue of Guns & Ammo. Hutton necked the new 444 case to .35, .30, 7mm and 6.5mm. Hutton used 26” barrels for his load testing. Hutton’s 6.5 – 444 Marlin is the cartridge that intrigued me at t
I.H.M.S.A. Cartridges - Shooters Forum
2023年3月22日 · Basically if with an Unlimited class gun you made anything you could stand to shoot for a 40, 60 or 80 round match, plus the shoot off targets. Production was limited to as factory designed cartridges. Field Pistol was limited to straight wall cartridges of the 357-44 mag length, but included the 32-20, 270 Ren, etc., as approved.
.444 based wildcats - Shooters Forum
2002年5月3日 · The 358 JDJ and 35/444 are virtually the same cartridge dimension-wise. The JDJ's are held down somewhat pressure-wise due to the strength of the Contender pistol which is what they were intended for, but if any of them were chambered in a strong single-shot pistol/rifle or bolt gun, loads with higher pressures could be used.
Long Range Contender Cartridge - Shooters Forum
2008年11月4日 · The best LR conteder cartridges would be wildcats in either 6mm or 6.5 based off of the 5.6x50R cartridge (RWS brass) and improved. This will beat anything the larger head cartridges can do (Contender), and it will do it safely without concerns of stretching a frame. Downside-Expensive brass.
7-30 JDJ Load Data Help! - Shooters Forum
2021年3月22日 · The 7-30 JDJ was named that because….it is based on the 7-30 Waters case. The .444 case was used for appropriate calibers greater than 7mm, smaller ones were usually on the .225 Winchester case. There were exceptions over the years of course; I wonder which version (#1 or #2) the OP was loading?
270 Jdj | Shooters Forum
2007年2月7日 · The .270 JDJ is a .225 Winchester case necked up to .270 (.277"). The .270 Winchester, and other .270 commercial (like the Weatherby) and wildcat cartridges are only available for the Encore, as their pressure is too high for a Contender.
Rimmed Cartridges for a 375 Wildcat. - Shooters Forum
2008年1月6日 · The JDJ has a rim diameter of .510 smaller then the .540 of the .303 (remember the Martini is in 303) and I'm looking for the same diameter or greater. So, the 348 or the 375 Jurras would be the ticket, although the Jurras is a little short, and I …
.50 BMG JDJ Wildcats | Shooters Forum
2004年8月10日 · Rifle and Rifle Cartridges. Wildcat Cartridges
338 Federal Contender - Shooters Forum
2008年10月29日 · I have a 10" 338 JDJ #2 Contender , I looked at my SSK/JDJ provided load data and compared them to the 338 Federal...very interesting to say the least. I'll just use one powder, H322...one of my favorites for this cartridge. And just one bullet, the Hornady 200gr SP.
Marlin Model 375 (336): Rechamber from 375 WIN to 375 JDJ
2007年2月27日 · The 375 JDJ to 2325 fps / 3063 ft.lbs at the same 46,500 CUP. This particular Marlin action can handle 52,000 cup but I don't think that I will push it that far. 375 fps doesn't sound like much of an increase but, with a 255 grain bullet, the result is an increase of 908 ft.lbs. Initally, I thought, "why bother", until the numbers were crunched.