Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems - BonViewPress
The Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (JDSIS) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that provides in-depth coverage of the latest advances in the closely related fields of data science and intelligent systems.
Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (《数据科学与智能系统》)是一本国际性、同行评议的跨学科期刊,发表与数据科学和智能系统等领域密切相关的最新研究和综述文章。 该期刊通过将数据与计算机科学、人工智能和其他适当的方法相结合,其发表的文章涵盖数据科学和智能系统的整个领域。 期刊特色. 所有文章将经过严格的国际同行评审,您可以获得来自同行学者的公平、公正且高质量的评审意见。 您的文章将被收录到Google学术中,未来也将被所涉及研究 …
Indexing & Abstracting | Journal of Data Science and
JDSIS Has Been Officially Indexed in EBSCO November 7, 2024 We are delighted to share with you that Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (eISSN: 2972-3841) has been officially indexed by EBSCO!
Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (ISSN: 2972-3841)
2024年6月17日 · The Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (JDSIS) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that provides in-depth coverage of the latest advances in the closely related fields of data science and intelligent systems.
Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (JDSIS, eISSN: 2972-3841) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that provides in-depth coverage of the latest advances in the closely related fields of data science and intelligent systems.
博识出版社:JDSIS与Data Science 2023会议达成合作 - 知乎
2023年6月19日 · 媒体合作 Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems(JDSIS)是一本由博识出版社主办的期刊,重点研究数据整合、数据信息和知识提取以及数据在广泛领域的应用。近日,本期刊与8th International Conference …
Journal of Data and Information Science
A novel approach based on journal coupling to determine authors who are most likely to be part of the same invisible college. Jose A. Garcia, Rosa Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Fdez-Valdivia
Journal of data science and intelligent systems - The ISSN Portal
Title proper: Journal of data science and intelligent systems. Subject: Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing. For all potential issues concerning this bibliographic …
Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems 《数据科学与智能 …
Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems 《数据科学与智能系统》期刊简介:JDSIS是一本国际性、同行评议的跨学科期刊,发表与数据科学和智能系统等领域密切相关的最新研究和综述文章。
About the Journal | Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems
The Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (JDSIS) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that provides in-depth coverage of the latest advances in the closely related fields of data science and intelligent systems.