Homepage | JEK2
Together with renewable energy sources, JEK2 represents the basis for the achievement of the goals of climate neutrality and the decarbonisation of the Slovenian electricity production system.
JEK 2 - Gen energija
As a low-carbon source, nuclear energy has the potential to make a vital contribution to the sustainable future of energy. The planning and preparation project to build a second nuclear reactor unit in Krško, JEK 2, is one of the GEN Group's pivotal strategic development projects.
JEK2 project | JEK2
The core development project of the GEN Group is the construction of a second nuclear power plant unit (JEK2), which will facilitate long-term energy independence. JEK2 is a long-term and intergenerational project that will contribute to the quality of electricity supply in Slovenia for decades to come.
Drugi blok jedrske elektrarne Krško - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Umetniška upodobitev JEK 2 (desno) Drugi blok jedrske elektrarne Krško (tudi JEK2 ali NEK2) je načrtovani drugi reaktor edine slovenske jedrske elektrarne Krško. Nova elektrarna bi proizvedla veliko količino nizkoogljične električne energije, zmanjšala uvozno odvisnost Slovenije, ter zagotovila predvidljivo oskrbo z električno in ...
Projekt JEK2 kot osrednji strateški razvojni projekt pomembno prispeva k razvoju sodobne, zanesljive, varne in okolju prijazne ter v prihodnost usmerjene oskrbe Slovenije z električno energijo.
JEK2 bo stal več milijard evrov in ustvaril 5640 delovnih mest
May 21, 2024 · Študija priključitve JEK2 na elektroenergetski sistem (EES) Slovenije je pokazala, da je z vidika vpliva na elektroenergetsko omrežje optimalna velikost JEK2 do 1300 MW neto električne moči, so sporočili iz Gen energije.
Slovenia's JEK2 unit would cost EUR9.5-EUR15.4 billion, review says
Sep 19, 2024 · Slovenia's JEK2 project is for a new one or two-unit nuclear power plant, with up to 2400 MW capacity, next to its existing nuclear power plant, Krško, a 696 MWe pressurised water reactor which generates about one-third of the country's electricity and which is co-owned by neighbouring Croatia.
Slovenia cancels referendum on Krško 2 nuclear power plant
Oct 25, 2024 · The National Assembly in Ljubljana canceled the consultative referendum on the nuclear power plant Krško 2 project, called Jedrska Elektrarna Krško 2 or JEK 2 in Slovenian. It follows a unanimous decision by the parliamentary Committee for Infrastructure, Environment and Spatial Planning to annul the decision to organize the plebiscite.
Slovenian PM says referendum will be needed to approve new …
Sep 19, 2024 · GEN group says JEK 2 could provide 8 TWh electricity per year, bringing with it the benefits of being able to reduce the need to import electricity, cut CO2 emissions as well as being used for district heating schemes and providing jobs and skills across the …
Gregorič: "Moramo se zavedati, da bo JEK 2 10-krat ali 20-krat …
Oct 6, 2024 · Kampanja "za" in "proti" JEK-u 2 pa v ozadju že intenzivno poteka. V oddajo Politično s Tanjo Gobec je prišel jedrski strokovnjak in poslanec Svobode Miroslav Gregorič, ki je proti referendumu. V Svobodi sicer pri 39 poslancih, ki so se podpisali pod pobudo za referendum, niso našli človeka, ki bi javnosti povedal, kaj referendum pomeni.