Jelcz - Wikipedia
Jelcz (pronounced like Yelch after the town of the same name) is a Polish manufacturer of trucks, buses, trolleybuses and different types of dedicated chassis. Since 2013 the company is part of the Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa [1] and operates with a …
Jelcz M11 - Wikipedia
Jelcz M11 is a Polish step-entrance city bus manufactured by Jelczańskie Zakłady Samochodowe in Jelcz-Laskowice, near Oława. Manufactured from 1985 to 1990, the Jelcz M11 is a bus with a hybrid design, featuring a modified Jelcz PR110 body combined with the …
Home - Jelcz Sp. z o.o.
JELCZ Ltd was established the 1 July 2001 as a result of economical transformation of JELCZ SA, which is a producer of well-known in Poland buses, trucks and specialized fire vehicles of JELCZ mark. Range of activity: production of truck vehicles up to 32 tons of total weight
Jelcz PR110E - Wikipedia
Jelcz PR110E is a trolleybus that was produced by the Polish companies Jelcz from Jelcz-Laskowice and Kapena (at that time located in Słupsk) between 1980 and 1992. The design of this trolleybus was based on the Jelcz PR110 bus.
Jelcz 043 – Wikipedia
Der Jelcz 043 war ein Omnibus des polnischen Nutzfahrzeugherstellers Jelcz. Er wurde von 1959 bis 1986 produziert. Der Bus war die Lizenzausführung des tschechoslowakischen Busses Škoda 706 RTO. Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges benötigte Polen dringend moderne Busse für den innerstädtischen und regionalen Personennahverkehr.
Jelcz 043 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Jelcz 043 – polski autobus międzymiastowy, produkowany w latach 1959–1986 przez Jelczańskie Zakłady Samochodowe, w Jelczu (obecnie Jelcz-Laskowice). Model ten stanowił licencyjną odmianę czechosłowackiego autobusu Škoda 706 RTO .
耶尔奇 - 百度百科
1968年,耶尔奇汽车厂开始更新换代,新一代的JELCZ(耶尔奇)300系列卡车开始批量生产,引进了英国利兰公司的发动机技术,6缸11升200马力涡轮增压发动机,配置5速变速器(带同步器),新型轮边减速桥(同时期匈牙利拉巴卡车相同),液压助力转向,双回路气压制动系统,驾驶室更加舒适,提供供暖系统,并加强了隔音。 额定载重量8000千克,百公里油耗28升,最高时速87公里/小时。 配置11.00-20轮胎。 耶尔奇315/325 同时期我国开始小批量进口,性能及可靠 …
Category : Jelcz buses - Wikimedia
Media in category "Jelcz buses" The following 23 files are in this category, out of 23 total.
Jelcz - CPTDB Wiki
Jelcz (pronounced like Yelch after a town by the same name), also Zakłady Samochodowe Jelcz, or Jelczańskie Zakłady Samochodowe is a Polish brand of buses and trolley buses. Both Polish names roughly translate as Automotive Works of Jelcz .
Jelcz PR110D - Wikipedia
The Jelcz PR110D is a coach and intercity bus produced by the Polish company Jelcz in Jelcz-Laskowice near Oława in Poland in 1984-1992. [1] The predecessor of Jelcz PR110D bus was a French Berliet PR110 TOURISME (1977). The bus was built on its basis in 1984 with several units of the bus named Jelcz PR110D. The letter D means long-distance. [2]
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