Demonstrativpronomen in der deutschen Grammatik - Lingolia
Anstelle von jener/jene/jenes bevorzugen wir in der Alltagssprache meist der/die/das da bzw. der/die/das dort. Beispiel: Möchten Sie diese Schuhe anprobieren? – Nein, lieber die [Schuhe] dort.
Are "jener/jene/jenes" still commonly used? : r/German - Reddit
2019年6月25日 · "Dieses Buch gefällt mir besser, als das (da)" would sound pretty common to me. Even more common than using "jenes" which would be the correct way. "jenes" and "welches" seem to appear way more often in their written form. Everyday language would go way shorter with "der/die/das/<title> gefällt mir besser" when being asked.
Use of German demonstrative pronouns (dieser, jener, solcher, …)
jener, jene, jenes (roughly corresponds to ‘that/those’) derjenige, diejenige, dasjenige (the/that one) derselbe, dieselbe, dasselbe (the same) solcher, solche, solches (such) Example sentences that show their use as pronouns: „ Die da kenne ich.“ (I know that one.) „Besser ist dieses dort.“ (That one there is better.)
Is "jene" actually used? : r/German - Reddit
2024年3月3日 · We know that in German, we use "diese" to say "this" and "jene" to say "that". But when we type "that boy" and "this boy" into Google Translate, it translates both as "dieser Junge" instead of "jener Junge". So, do people actually use "jene" to mean "that" in …
Demonstrativpronomen - einfach erklärt (+ Beispiele, Übungen)
# jener, jene, jenes (jene – Plural) Dieses Demonstrativpronomen wird seltener benutzt. Verwende „jener“, um beispielsweise zwei Gegenstände zu vergleichen, zum Beispiel: „Dieses Bild ist schöner als jenes.” („… schöner als das andere …
Demonstrative Pronouns in German Grammar - Lingolia
In spoken language, German speakers generally prefer to use der/die/das da or der/die/das dort instead of jener/jene/jenes, Example: Möchten Sie diese Schuhe anprobieren? – Nein, lieber die dort. Would you like to try on these shoes? - No, I’d prefer those ones.
德语助手|德汉-汉德词典 jene是什么意思_jene的中文解释和发音_jene的翻译_jene …
JeNe Da Profiles - Facebook
View the profiles of people named JeNe Da. Join Facebook to connect with JeNe Da and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and...
Jene'da D'Vonne - Facebook
Jene'da D'Vonne is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Jene'da D'Vonne and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes...
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1,270 Followers, 529 Following, 1 Posts - Jene'da D'Vonne (@jenedagotfans) on Instagram: "👻: jenedagotfans “find a way, or make one”"