Jeni Pedzinski | International Ministries
Farewell Mission Mobilization, Hello Global Consultant for Theological Education November 18, 2022 Jeni Pedzinski. November 30th, 2022 will be my last day as the director of Mission Mobilization at International Ministries (IM). I
What's Next for Jeni Pedzinski | International Ministries
2022年11月9日 · On December 1, 2022, I begin my next ministry assignment as International Ministries’ Director of Mission Mobilization. In this role I get to offer pastoral care and counseling to people who are discerning or have discerned a call to global service.
PedzinSki JENI serves on the leadership team at the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The NLCF serves adolescent tribal girls who are at risk for, or survivors of, human trafficking, forced labor and sexual abuse. With degrees in development and Christian theology, Jeni provides administrative support, Christian
Rodney Ragwan and Jennifer Pedzinski Transition to New
VALLEY FORGE, PA (4/24/23)—International Ministries (IM) is pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Rodney Ragwan and Rev. Jennifer (Jeni) Pedzinski have moved into new ministry roles as of December 1, 2022. Having served since June of 2018 as Director of Mission Mobilization, Dr. Ragwan has now been endorsed to prepare for ministry as a Global ...
"A Mobilizing God" - Rev. Jeni Pedzinski - Recorded 01/28/24
2024年1月28日 · This week, Rev. Jeni Pedzinski returns to FBCN with a message about how God mobilizes people to spread his word. Scripture from Genesis 11:31 - 12:4.Order o...
"Freedom: Fighting Fears With Faith" - Rev. Jeni Pedzinski
Today, Jeni Pedzinski returns to her 2nd home and blesses us with a message about the freedom that we experience when we use our faith in God to fight throug...
Missionary tells of her labor of love in Thailand – Delco Times
2019年9月16日 · Rev. Jeni Pedzinski, right, a missionary at the New Life Center Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, celebrates with a resident who recently graduated from high school.
Jeni Pedzinski - International Ministries Apprentice Call Story
Since this video was made mid-2013, Jeni Pedzinski has been called to serve in Cambodia upon the completion of her graduate studies. Contact Jeni through fac...
Jennifer Pedzinski endorsed to serve in Cambodia
2013年7月30日 · Jennifer ‘Jeni’ Pedzinski, a resident of Norristown, has been endorsed for service as a development worker by American Baptist International Ministries (IM). She will serve in Sobhan Village near...
Endorsed Missionary Redirected Toward Ministry in Thailand
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 6/17/14)—Jennifer “Jeni” Pedzinski from Niles, Michigan has been endorsed for service as a missionary by American Baptist International Ministries (IM). She will serve in Chiang Mai, Thailand with IM partner the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF). The NLCF works exclusively with young ethnic minority women …