Jentil - Wikipedia
The jentil (or jentilak with the Basque plural), are a race of giants in Basque mythology. [1] This word meaning gentile , from Latin gentilis , was used to refer to pre-Christian civilizations and …
Jentil - Gods and Monsters
The legend of the Jentil is a cornerstone of Basque mythology, not merely as a thrilling tale but also as a profound metaphor. Their retreat into the mountains marked a historical and cultural …
Article 25 – The Mythology of Giants in the Pyrenees
2018年9月19日 · Throughout the Pyrenees, one finds constant references and representations of giants, be they the Basque Jentilak and Mairuak, the mythological creators of the dolmens and …
Jentil - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Los jentilak, gentiles o paganos, son unos personajes de la mitología vasca dotados de fuerza sobrehumana. 1 Lanzaban grandes peñascos hasta lugares lejanos y son los constructores …
Basque Fact of the Week: In Basque Mythology ... - Buber's Basque …
2019年4月14日 · One of those was the Jentilak, or race of giants. These beings, immense in size, existed before humans, though maybe co-existed with humans, at least in some tales. They …
Jentil | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
The Jentilak (or Jentil with the Basque plural), were a race of giants in the Basque mythology. The jentil were believed to have lived alongside the Basque people. They threw rocks from one …
Basque Mysteries and Mythologies – The Rh Negative Blog
2022年4月21日 · The jentil, are a race of giants in the Basque mythology. This word meaning gentile, from Latin gentilis, was used to refer to pre-Christian civilizations and in particular to …
Jentilak, los primeros habitantes de las tierras vascas - Fantasía celta
Los jentiles, o jentilak son, según la mitología vasca, una antigua raza de gigantes que poblaban las tierras de Euskadi antes de la llegada de los seres humanos. Está claro que jentilak de las …
Jentil - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.
Jentil izena, latinezko “gentilis, -e” hitzetik dator, pertsona ez kristauak izendatzeko erabiltzen omen zuten hitz hau. Horregatik, jentilak kristautasunaren aurretik lurralde horietan bizi ziren …
Euskal Mitologia - JENTILAK
Euskal Herri osoan da entzuna pertsonaia mitologiko ezagun hau. Gipuzkoan batez ere, baina Bizkaian, Nafarroan, Araban nahiz Lapurdin ere ageri zaizkigu jeinu honi buruzko aipamenak. …
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