Jericho March - Wikipedia
The Jericho March is a loose, pro-Trump, Christian [1] coalition who pray, fast, and march for what they claim to be election integrity and transparency in response to Donald Trump's accusations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, in which then-President Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden.
The Jericho March, Christianity, and the Capitol Siege - The Atlantic
2021年1月8日 · Some were participants in the Jericho March, a gathering of Christians to “pray, march, fast, and rally for election integrity.” After calling on God to “save the republic” during rallies at...
Jericho March Returns to DC to Pray for a Trump Miracle
2021年1月5日 · Organizers of the Jericho March, slated for Tuesday and Wednesday, have called on “patriots, people of faith and all those who want to take back America” to travel to Washington on those days for...
Jericho March - AllAboutPrayer.org
Jericho March QUESTION: What is a Jericho March? ANSWER: A Jericho March is what some may refer to as a prayer walk by a group or congregation. The purpose is to pray for or against something and ask God to intercede, protect, or change something.
As ‘Jericho Marchers’ descend on Washington, local faith leaders brace ...
2021年1月5日 · WASHINGTON (RNS) — A throng of religious supporters of President Donald Trump swathed in red, white and blue kicked off a “ Jericho March ” on Tuesday (Jan. 5), marching around the U.S....
Jericho March™: Calling All Patriots and People of Faith to the …
2020年11月25日 · The Jericho March ™ is a unified celebration of authentic and diverse Judeo-Christian forms of worship including praying, preaching, singing, rosary recitations, Eucharistic processions, and blowing shofars. Individuals and groups involved in the Jericho March ™ …
The Twisted, Trumpist Religion of Jan. 6th
2022年1月6日 · In late 2020, the name Jericho March was adopted—and claimed as an unregistered trademark, even though it had been widely used for many years—by a new pro-Trump group.
The Power Of The Jericho Walk: Overcoming Barriers Through …
2023年1月22日 · What is a Jericho walk? The Jericho Walk, also known as the Jericho March, is a spiritual and peaceful form of protest in which participants march around an area to which they attach spiritual or social significance, often while praying, chanting, or making positive statements.
Jericho March - Pro-Life Action Ministries
Our Jericho March is done to mimic the biblical battle of Jericho (found in Joshua chapter 6). God told Joshua to lead the Israelites in a march around Jericho for seven days. On the seventh day, the walls of Jericho crumbled.
Lt. General Mike Flynn & Mike Lindell to Speak, Eric ... - Jericho March
2020年12月8日 · The Jericho March is a unified celebration of authentic and diverse Judeo-Christian forms of worship including praying, preaching, singing, rosary recitations, Eucharistic processions, and blowing shofars.