Jeroen Bax - Leiden University - Universiteit Leiden
My main interest of research is related to imaging in clinical cardiology. In particular, the integration of the different imaging techniques (nuclear cardiology, echocardiography, multi-slice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) into clinical issues.
Jeroen J Bax, Cardiologist - Radcliffe Cardiology
Dr Bax is a professor of cardiology and Director of both Non-invasive Imaging and the Echo Laboratory at the Leiden University Medical Center. He has also served on the editorial boards of various journals, including as Associate Editor for the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and Heart and President of the European Society of ...
Jeroen Bax - Siyemi - ECOS
Jeroen Bax is director of both non-invasive imaging and the echo-lab at the Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden, the Netherlands. Professor Bax is also the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) immediate past president (2018-2020).
Jeroen J Bax, MD, PhD Dept Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Jeroen J Bax's research works | Leiden University Medical Centre ...
Jeroen J Bax's 500 research works with 33,689 citations and 5,192 reads, including: Imaging phenotypes and outcomes after revascularization in chronic coronary artery disease
Jeroen J. Bax's research while affiliated with Turku University ...
Jeroen J. Bax's 998 research works with 142,427 citations and 4,545 reads, including: European Society of Cardiology Core Curriculum for Cardio-Oncology
Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: Jeroen Bax - Oxford Academic
2019年8月22日 · Biography: Professor Bax is Director of Non-invasive Imaging and Director of the Echo Laboratory in the Department of Cardiology at Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands. He is also Past-President of the European Society of Cardiology.
Standard - Dr Jeroen Bax - European Cancer Organisation
Dr Bax is a professor of cardiology and Director of both Non-invasive Imaging and the Echo Laboratory at the Leiden University Medical Center. He has also served on the editorial boards of various journals, including as Associate Editor for the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and Heart and is the past President of the European ...
Jeroen J. Bax: Medicine H-index & Awards - Research.com
Jeroen J. Bax combines subjects such as Heart disease and Intensive care medicine with his study of Heart failure. Jeroen J. Bax has included themes like Mitral valve, Mitral regurgitation, Aortic valve stenosis and Cardiomyopathy in his Ejection fraction study.
心讲座 | Jeroen Bax:三尖瓣反流的解剖特点与诊断 - 搜狐
2021年11月10日 · 中国结构周2021暨第五届中国国际结构性心脏病会议期间,来自荷兰莱顿大学医学中心的Jeroen Bax教授便聚焦三尖瓣反流这一难题,结合大量临床数据和临床经验,分享了三尖瓣反流的解剖特点,以及右心室功能与三尖…
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