约 1,480,000 个结果
  1. What Does the Bible Say About Jesus Sacrifice? - OpenBible.info

  2. Hebrews 9:11-14 NLT - Christ Is the Perfect Sacrifice - Bible Gateway

  3. What Does the Bible Say About Sacrifice Of Jesus? - OpenBible.info

  4. What Does the Bible Say About Jesus Perfect Sacrifice? - OpenBible.info

  5. What does it mean that Jesus died for our sins?

  6. Sacrifice of Jesus - Life, Hope and Truth

  7. 12 Bible Verses About Jesus Sacrifice - Encouraging Bible Verses

  8. The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ - Spirit & Truth

  9. 20 Bible Verses on JesusSacrifice for Our Sins

  10. Hebrews 10 NIV - Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All - Bible Gateway