Specific Heat Capacity Converter
Free online specific heat capacity converter - converts between 20 units of specific heat capacity, including joule/kilogram/K [J/ (kg*K)], joule/kilogram/°C [J/ (kg*°C)], joule/gram/°C [J/ (g*°C)], kilojoule/kilogram/K, etc. Also, explore many other unit converters or learn more about specific heat capacity unit conversions.
Convert J/ (g·K) (Joule per Gram-Kelvin) (Specific heat capacity)
How much is 1 J/ (g·K) (Joule per Gram-Kelvin)? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert J/ (g·K), among others. (Specific heat capacity)
Specific Heat - Online Unit Converter - The Engineering ToolBox
Online specific heat converter with the most commonly used units. Specific Heat is the amount of heat required to change one mass unit of a substance by one degree in temperature. The calculator below can be used to convert between some common specific heat units.
比热单位换算 - 百度知道
比热单位换算1J/g*℃=1J / (0.001kg*1K ) =1000 J/kg*K 。 这里℃和K是等单位间隔的,就是温度变化 1℃ 和 1K是一样的,所以可以直接把 ℃ 换成 K。 一般情况下,热容与比热容均为温度的函数,但在温度变
J/ (g*K)是啥意思? - 百度知道
J/ (g*K)表示焦每克开氏度,开氏度用于表示绝对温度,如0摄氏度对应273.15开始度,开氏度是从绝对零度-273.15℃起算的,J/ (g*K)表示使每克某物质上升一开氏度所需热量
比热容单位在线换算 -- EndMemo
焦耳/千克/开尔文 [J/ (kg.K)] 焦耳/千克/摄氏度 [J/ (kg.C)] 焦耳/克/摄氏度 [J/ (g.C)] 焦耳/克/开尔文 [J/ (g.K)] 千焦耳/千克/开尔文 [kJ ...
1J/ (kg*℃)=多少J/ (kg*K) - 百度知道
2024年8月28日 · 区别在于使用场合:J/ (kg·K) 通常用于定容比热容,假设物体的体积不变;而 J/ (kg·℃) 通常用于定压比热容,假设物体的压强不变。 1J/ (kg*℃)=多少J/ (kg*K)1. 1 kJ/ (kg·℃) 等于 1000 J/ (kg·℃)。 2. 尽管摄氏温度 (℃)和热力学温度 (K)的数值相同,它们之间没有直接的换算关系。 3. 在计算热容时,可以通过换算温度来统一单位。
焦耳/克/开尔文单位换算 -- EndMemo
焦耳/克/开尔文 (J/ (g.K))与其它比热容单位在线换算,包括焦耳/千克/开尔文,焦耳/千克/摄氏度,焦耳/克/摄氏度,千焦耳/千克/开尔文,千焦耳/千克/摄氏度,千焦耳/克/摄氏度,卡路里 (IT)/克/摄氏度......
J/ (g.K) to j/kg/k Conversion - ConvertN
1 J/ (g.K) = 1000 j/kg/k; 1 j/kg/k = 0.001 J/ (g.K) Note: Fill in one box to get results in the other box by clicking "Calculate" button. Data may be separated by semicolon (;), space, tab, or in separated lines.
Convert J/ (g·K) to kJ/ (kg·K) (Specific heat capacity)
How many kJ/ (kg·K) make 1 J/ (g·K)? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert J/ (g·K) to kJ/ (kg·K) (Joule per Gram-Kelvin to Kilojoule per Kilogram-Kelvin), among others.
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