GJ Tube and Stomach Bile - Home IV and tube feeding - Inspire
2011年2月7日 · site of entry of my Jejunostomy Feeding Tube Tube. They the docters at the Specialist Intestinal Failure Unit. All to no avail, they simply tried to let the entry site heal for just 48 hours befofre inserting a further Jejj Tube, but to no avail, I do believe that the only way forward is for a Surgically Placed Jej Tube.
jejunostomy tube problems - Digestive system disorders - Inspire
2013年2月28日 · I have a JG tube and the only formula that I have tolerated is Osmolite 1.5. Each can is 237ml and 355 calories. I use 6 cans per night I run the machine at 125 ml per hour. I started at a much slower rate and have built up to this rate. I have tried Nutren and Peptamin and a few others, which I already forgot the name of but have them in my ...
JG tubes - GI motility disorders - Inspire
2007年11月28日 · The AGMD GI Motility Disorders Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration.
balloon popping in the GJ tube - Home IV and tube feeding - Inspire
2009年10月24日 · His peg tube very seldom had to be replaced but he frequently aspirates because of radiation to his throat, it was suggested to switch to the GJ. Guess there are pros and cons to everything. You do need to stuff it back in your tummy so they don't have to make another hole, wrap it with ace bandages or whatever you can find as it needs to be ...
Managing J-G Tube Feedings - GI motility disorders - Inspire
2008年3月12日 · My 15 year old son is on a J-G tube to provide him with hydration and food for his Gastroparesis. He is on a 75 ml drip 24hrs a day. About every 5 days the tube can't flush and he complains of stomach pains and for about 2 days he can't eat or drink anything by mouth. We need to then get him IV fluids and sometimes TPN thru a pic line.
J tube bleeding - Home IV and tube feeding - Inspire
2010年11月16日 · I have a j-tube and I drain small amts of blood when I am due to have granulation tissue burned off, and if the tube tract is inflamed due to infection. If you are on blood thinners use extra caution. As I tell everyone else, if in doubt call and ask your Dr.
Why did my J-tube spit out bile? - Gastroparesis - Inspire
2019年8月24日 · I have had a JG feeding tube for 10 years in March. Mine pours out yellow bile and acid several times a day. It’s so nasty! It comes out both sides of mine. I have to drain it into a cup to release pressure in my stomach because it gets so bad. I put all of my medications in my J tube and do my feeds in my J tube as well.
G-tube vs J-tube Questions?? - Home IV and tube feeding - Inspire
2014年8月23日 · They have to turn his feed off a half hour before they can turn or move him though and that's the main reason we are considering the j-tube instead of the g-tube. So bypassing it makes sense but one of my concerns definately is venting because he 'burps' out of his tube sometimes when they hook him up to the tube. He currently gets 4 feeds a day,.
How to deal with pain going on for a decade at G tube and JG
2021年7月23日 · The tube was placed due to inability to swallow from the surgical removal of cancer on her epiglottis. The pain isn't from the conditions that you mentioned (blisters, granulations, or infections), but always has been described as within the stoma or opening. No provider has ever questioned or explained the pain.
Decompression of a GJ tube - GI motility disorders - Inspire
2017年8月10日 · Venting the g tube is sometimes necessary especially for eaters. The food in your stomach is usually quickly broken down by stomach acids into a liquid. Depending on what was eaten and how much liquid you drink when you eat, will change the consistency of your stomach contents.