Society of Virology - jGfV
We are an association of committed young scientists and junior research group leaders within Society of Virology (GfV). We offer you a network to support you both scientifically and in your career planning, from your bachelor's degree and doctorate to senior scientist (postdoc / staff scientist / junior research group leader) or doctor in training.
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Gesellschaft für Virologie - jGfV
Wir sind ein Zusammenschluss von engagierten Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen und Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen innerhalb der Gesellschaft für Virologie (GfV). Wir bieten Euch vom Bachelorstudium über die Promotion bis hin zum Senior Scientist (PostDoc / Staff Scientist / Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*in) bzw.
影响因子3.376,JCR12区,审稿快,国人友好 - 知乎
Journal of General Virology 期刊主编为来自美国宾州匹兹堡大学疫苗研究中心的 Paul Duprex。 期刊编委会成员还包括来自中国科学院的 GeorgeF. Gao 和 武汉病毒学研究所 的张波。 图片来源:期刊官网. Journal of General Virology 在 中科院分区 (基础版):大类学科-医学:3区,小类学科:病毒学3区,生物工程与应用微生物3区,非Top期刊,非综述期刊。 图片来源:LetPub. Journal of General Virology 在 JCR分区:在37本病毒学领域SCIE期刊排第16名,在159本生物工程与 …
In May 2022 the jGfV has initiated a virtual lecture series for young scientists in infection research, that covers basic information about a plethora of different viruses and virus families. The latest lecture in July, focused on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
What does JGFV stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Looking for the definition of JGFV? Find out what is the full meaning of JGFV on Abbreviations.com! 'Albergue Juvenil José Gilberto Flores Vides' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
Journal of General Virology - Wikipedia
Journal of General Virology is a not-for-profit peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Microbiology Society. The journal was established in 1967 and covers research into animal, insect and plants viruses, also fungal viruses, prokaryotic viruses, and TSE agents.
Das Netzwerk Deutscher Infektionsforscherinnen - Infect-Net
Wir, die junge Gesellschaft für Virologie (jGfV), sind ein Verbund von engagierten Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen sowie Gruppenleiter*innen innerhalb der Gesellschaft für Virologie (GfV) e.V. Wir unterstützen den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs vom Studium über die Promotion bis hin zum junior group leader auf verschiedenen Ebenen.
GfV – Gesellschaft für Virologie e.V. on LinkedIn: #jgfv #jgfv
News from the #jGfV: Join the joint workshop "Translational Virology - the Ideal Path to Research, Care, and Work-Life Balance" by the #jGfV working groups…
34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology - FEBS
2025年3月7日 · Building on the success of last year’s evens, we are also committed to supporting young virologists by offering a platform through the “junge GfV”, which will host a dedicated jGfV session and a workshop organized by ACHIEV. Location: Hamburg, Germany. Organizers: Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH. Website: https://virology ...