ঝাঁকি জাল দিয়ে মাছ ধরা || Jhaki jal diye mach dhora …
ঝাঁকি জাল দিয়ে মাছ ধরা Jhaki jal diye mach dhora 2 Traditional net fishing in village to Bangladesh #fishing #মাছধরা # ...
Fishing Gears and Crafts Used in Payra River, Bangladesh
Cast net, locally known as Jhaki jal/Khapla jal, is used in the shallow region of the river to catch different types of fish. The net is of various sizes, depending on individual’s preference and fisher’s ability to manipulate the net.
Fishing Gears and Crafts Commonly Used at Hatiya Island: A …
2013年9月9日 · Jhaki jal is widely used at Hatiya, the benefit of this net is it can handle easily; mobile and fishing duration is short. It is also widely used at Dhaka, Mymensingh, Bakarganj, Rajshahi, Jessor, Bogra, Pabna, Rangpur, Dinajpur known as ‘khapla jal’, in Rangpur and Chitagong it is known as ‘chlatki’.
Some fishing gear (1. Jhaki jal, 2. Moia jal, 3. Sutar jal,4. Current ...
Ilish Jal is another gear famous for catching Hilsa and provides a very high economic return, thus becoming one of the most popular choices among fishers. This is dominant gear in the coastal ...
হাতে ও মেশিনের সমন্বয়ে তৈরি ছোট পাশের ৮ …
SKU: HAM8 Categories: মাছ ধরার জাল, হাত ও মেশিনে বোনা জাল, হাতে বোনা জাল Tags: cast net, fishing net, jhaki jal, খেপলা জাল, ঝাকি জাল, ঝাকি জালের দাম
Bata Jal: The rectangular shaped gill net which is mainly used to catch Bata fish is locally known as bata jal. The length and width of the net is 6.5 to 33 m and 1.25 to 2 m respectively, whereas the mesh size varies from 2.5 to 5 cm (Table 1). The net is fixed on tide near the shore by using bamboo, wood and
(PDF) Fishing gears and crafts used in Gumti river of Muradnagar ...
2020年9月30日 · The length of jhaki jal is 10-15m. A variety of synthetic twines (e.g., monofilaments, polyamide, polypropy lene, nylon rope (FAO, 1986) are used for making the net.
#fishingnet, #catch fish, #jal, #kheo jal#cast net#throw net
#net, #fishingnet, #catch fish, #jal, #kheo jal#cast net#throw net#how to catch fish#jhaki jal#khupri jal# fishing net#fishingbysajjad#mach#ঝাঁকিজাল# জাল#ঝাঁ...
Catch composition of fishes by using different types of fishing …
The study discovered total seven major types of fishing gears defined as gill nets (saine jal and current jal), lift nets(dharma jal), push net (thela jal and moiya jal), seine net (ber jal), fixed purse net (badha jal and gora jal), cast net (jhaki jal) and hook and line (chip barshi and chara barshi).
Traditional Net Catch Fishing on River | jhaki Jal Diya Mach Dhora ...
Traditional Net Catch Fishing on River | jhaki Jal Diya Mach Dhora | খেও জাল দিয়ে মাছ ধরা |মাছের জাল দিয়ে মাছ ধরা ...