Astronomical Magnitude Systems - Case Western Reserve …
JHK: The filters JHK are an important extension of the Johnson system to near-infrared wavelengths. Technology requires different detectors for these wavelengths than UBVRI, so different calibration stars are required (Landolt's standards are useful for optical UBVRI observations). The JHK filters have been used in the 2MASS all sky
Photometric system - Wikipedia
In astronomy, a photometric system is a set of well-defined passbands (or optical filters), with a known sensitivity to incident radiation. The sensitivity usually depends on the optical system, detectors and filters used. For each photometric system a set of primary standard stars is …
IRSA - Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)
Visualization tool to cross-compare image data sets from various missions. Mosaic images (FITS format), jpeg previews, plots, and source characterization measurements for over 500 of the largest galaxies imaged by 2MASS. Retrieve multiple FITS images covering a wide area of the sky from the 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas.
UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey ZY JHK photometric system: passbands and ...
2006年4月1日 · The present paper characterizes the photometric system defined by the WFCAM ZY JHK broad-band filters. The layout of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we explain the design of the five passbands, in Section 3 we explain the procedure for computing synthetic colours and in Section 4 we assemble the required ingredients.
0.83 − 2.37µm in up to five filters ZY JHK, and extend-ing over both high and low Galactic latitude regions of the sky. The new Z band, 0.84 − 0.93µm, and the Y band, 0.97−1.07µm, introduced by Warren & Hewett (2002), are both characterised in this paper. It is anticipated that the surveys will take seven years to complete. This ...
JHK-band sp ectro-in terferometry of T Cep with the IOT A in terferometer G. W eigelt a, U. Bec kmann J. Berger b T. Bl oc k er, M.K. Brew c K.-H. Hofmann a,M. Lacasse b,V. ... linear Rosseland radius obtained from the K-band visibilities and the M-mo del CL Vs. The phase-a v eraged deriv ed linear Rosseland radius is the a erage of the ...
JHK WIRCam filters - Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
This page describes the WIRCam JHK filters and contrasts them with the 2MASS JHK filters. Colour terms with respect to 2MASS are derived. The figure below shows the WIRCam YJHK filter set. The light-coloured black lines show the filters' responses as obtained from the CFHT WIRCam filter page.
Studies of the Be star X Persei during a bright infrared phase
2013年4月28日 · We present multi-epoch photometric and spectroscopic near-infrared observations of the Be star X Persei in the JHK bands covering the wavelength range 1.08 to 2.35 micron.
JHK Magnitudes for L and T Dwarfs and Infrared Photometric …
2003年12月10日 · With effective temperatures ranging from ∼2200 to 700 K, these objects emit most of their radiation in the near‐IR, and their spectral energy distributions are dominated by strong molecular absorption bands. These highly structured energy distributions lead to JHK magnitudes that are extremely sensitive to the exact filter bandpass used.
Near-infrared photometry of 20 hipparcos carbon stars
2003年7月1日 · Near-infrared JHK photometry was carried out for 20 carbon stars observed by the satellite Hipparcos. From the observations, bolometric corrections in the K band (BC K), apparent bolometric magnitudes (m rmbo) and effective temperatures (T …