Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association – Sustaining Jamaica’s …
2010年2月6日 · The Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association (JHTA) represents hotels, other visitor accommodations as well as most suppliers of goods and services to the tourism industry, commonly known as “Allied” members, in Jamaica.
The purpose of JHTA is to support and promote the Japanese tourists coming to Hawaii. JHTA facilitates activities between local and federal governments and the tourism industry here in Hawaii, while contributing to our Hawaiian community by enriching the relationships.
Membership – Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association - jhta.org
Members are allowed and encouraged to utilise the JHTA’s logo as well as our existing network of communication within membership. JHTA stands ready to collaborate with our members through branding, marketing and partnership.
Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) - Instagram
The JHTA represents Jamaican hotels and other visitor accommodations as well as suppliers of goods and services to the tourism industry. 2 Ardenne Road, Kingston 10, Kingston, Jamaica
About Us – Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association - jhta.org
Established in 1961, the Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association is the organization, which represents Jamaican hotels, other visitor accommodations as well as most suppliers of goods and services to the tourism industry.
- Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League/JHTA Vacation Plan - Jamaica National/JHTA Vacation Plan – targeting Small and Independent Hotels • Promotes members interest through the Joint JTB/JHTA Marketing Committee • Provides legitimacy: The use of the JHTA logo on members websites, brochures and other promotional material
日本の宿泊業界におけるデジタル化・dxを加速させ、観光産業の生産性向上を通じて、国際競争力を高めることを目的に、このたび「日本ホスピタリティーテクノロジー協議会(以下 jhta)」を設立いたします。
JHTA Logo - CNW Network - caribbeannationalweekly.com
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Jamaica Hotel & Tourist Association | Ministry of Tourism
THE MINISTRY. The Minister’s Welcome; Profiles. Minister; Permanent Secretary; Our Vision & Mission; Citizen's Charter; Our Partners; PUBLIC BODIES. Tourism Enhancement Fund
About – JCTI/TEF Directory
The Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) established in 1961, represents Jamaican hotels, other visitor accommodations as well as most suppliers of goods and services to the tourism industry. The main aim of the JHTA is to promote the development of Jamaica’s hospitality industry and to represent the interests of its members in all ...