Jia Gou - Interdisciplinary Center for Quantitative Modeling in …
Dr. Gou's research interests are in the areas of mathematical biology and applications of dynamical systems. Her recent research focuses on understanding the growth control mechanisms by constructing and investigating models that describe cell signaling pathways and transport of molecules in tissues.
UCR Profiles - Search & Browse - University of California, Riverside
Jia Guo . Assistant Professor. Bioengineering Dept. [email protected] (951) 827-9164
Jia Gou
Jia Gou. I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of California, Riverside. I am interested in the analysis of dynamical systems and the application of mathematical models to biological systems. Email / Google Scholar /
Guo Jia - Google Scholar
Comparing accuracy and reproducibility of sequential and Hadamard‐encoded multidelay pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling for measuring cerebral blood flow and arterial … J Guo, SJ Holdsworth,...
Jia Gou at University of California Riverside - Rate My Professors
Jia Gou is a professor in the Mathematics department at University of California Riverside - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Jia Lab @ University of California, Riverside - Publications
Jia, Z. (2017) Controlling the Overfitting Heritability in Genomic Selection through Cross Validation. Scientific Reports. 7: 13678, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-14070-z
Jia Guo's research works | University of California, Riverside, CA (UCR …
Jia Guo's 18 research works with 251 citations and 980 reads, including: Erratum to: Velocity‐selective arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI : A review of the state of the art and ...
Members - Aging Initiative
Jia Guo, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering . Email: [email protected]. Research: Dr. Guo's research focuses on development of reliable, quantitative, and accurate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and analysis tools for measuring perfusion, to gain a deeper insight into the physiology and pathology of the vascular system.
UCR Profiles - Search & Browse - University of California, Riverside
Search & Browse UCR Faculty & Staff. Office Information Office Location: MRB 3116 Office Hours: Skye Hall 262A
Publications - Jia Lab
Jia, Z. (2017) Controlling the Overfitting Heritability in Genomic Selection through Cross Validation. Scientific Reports. 7: 13678, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-14070-z