German far-right lawmaker whose assistant was arrested for …
2024年4月24日 · Maximilian Krah’s assistant, Jian Guo, was arrested Monday. Prosecutors accuse Guo — a German national who had worked for Krah since his election to the European Union legislature in 2019 — of working for a Chinese intelligence service and of repeatedly passing on information on negotiations and decisions in the European Parliament in ...
Germany arrests EU Parliament aide over bombshell China
2024年4月23日 · German police arrested the aide of a top European lawmaker working for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over accusations he spied for China. The staffer, identified as Jian G. by German authorities, works for MEP Maximilian Krah who is the AfD’s top candidate in the European Parliament election in June.
Germany arrests woman who allegedly passed airport details to …
2024年10月1日 · They alleged that, between August 2023 and mid-February this year, she repeatedly passed information to Jian Guo — a German national who was an aide to far-right European Parliament lawmaker Maximilian Krah and was arrested in April. That, prosecutors said, included above all information on the transport of military equipment and of people ...
Spionageverdacht: Wer ist der Krah-Mitarbeiter Jian G.
2024年4月24日 · Der wegen Spionageverdachts für China festgenommene Mitarbeiter des AfD-Europaabgeordneten Maximilian Krah ist in Untersuchungshaft. Ein Ermittlungsrichter beim Bundesgerichtshof habe den...
Aide of German EU lawmaker arrested on suspicion of spying for …
2024年4月23日 · Jian G. is accused of working for a Chinese intelligence service and of repeatedly passing on information on negotiations and decisions in the European Parliament in January
AfD-Mitarbeiter Jian G.: Mutmaßlicher chinesischer Spion bot sich …
2024年4月26日 · Der 43-jährige wurde in seiner Wohnung in Dresden festgenommen. Die Bundesanwaltschaft wirft ihm Spionage für eine fremde Macht in einem besonders schweren Fall vor: Er soll für den chinesischen...
German staffer in EU parliament arrested on China spying charges
2024年4月23日 · Jian Guo, an employee of Maximilian Krah, was accused by Germany’s federal prosecutor on Tuesday of being covertly employed by China’s Ministry of State Security.
German lawmaker to dismiss assistant arrested for alleged Chinese ...
2024年4月24日 · Maximilian Krah's assistant, Jian Guo, was arrested Monday. Prosecutors accuse Guo — a German national who had worked for Krah since his election to the European Union legislature in 2019...
Germany spying: Far-right party aide held in China spy probe - BBC
2024年4月23日 · They have identified the man as Jian G, 43, named by German media as an assistant to AfD MEP and European election candidate Maximilian Krah. Prosecutors say he was arrested in the eastern city...
Maximilian Krah: Aide to AfD MEP arrested on suspicion of spying …
2024年4月23日 · German national Jian G, who worked for AfD MEP Maximilian Krah, was arrested by Saxony State criminal police in Dresden and had his residences searched, the prosecutor’s office said early...