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Jian Xiao is a professor in the Accounting department at CUNY Queens College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Jian XIAO | Research Director, professor | M.D., Ph.D.
Jian XIAO, Research Director, professor | Cited by 10,412 | | Read 344 publications | Contact Jian XIAO
Jian Xiao - Google Scholar
Jian Xiao. Associate Professor in Media and Cultural Studies, Zhejiang University. Verified email at zju.edu.cn - Homepage. Communication studies cultural studies urban studies. ... J Xiao, M Davis, X Dong. International Journal of Cultural Studies 27 (2), 234-250, 2024. 2: 2024:
肖建 - 组员介绍 - 肖建教授课题组 - X-MOL科学知识平台
2009年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物化学系,师从有机化学家Teck-Peng Loh教授。 2009-2010年在南洋理工大学从事博士后研究。 2010-2012年在中国科学院大连化学物理研究所任副研究员。 2013-2014年在美国加利福尼亚州The Scripps Research Institute做博士后研究,师从生物化学家Carlos F. Barbas III教授。 2012年9月起为青岛农业大学化学与药学院教授。 迄今为止,已经以第一或通讯作者在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国际顶尖或权威期刊上发表SCI论文54篇, …
Jian XIAO - Google Sites
Department of Mathematical Sciences & Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Jing Zhai 202. Tsinghua University. Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China. I do research in complex analytic and algebraic...
Jian Xiao - Risk Management
She was an International Controller at MetLife, ABN AMRO and Merrill Lynch Co where she developed best practices to mitigate risk and grow companies through strategic Transfer Pricing policy, IT Outsourcing optimization, Internal Control improvement, Financial Report Process Automation, and Key Performance Indicators.
肖建-清华大学数学科学系 - Tsinghua University
从事复几何的研究;主要关注代数几何与解析几何中的正性理论,以及与其它领域之间的联系;关注和着迷于出现在不同数学分支,但相似的数学结构和原理。 Algebra & Number Theory 13 (2019), no. 6, 1243-1279. GAFA 26 (2016), no.4, 1135–1189. 要求:扎实的本科数学基础;复几何、代数几何基础。...
Jian Xiao / Homepage
I received the B.Eng. degree and the M.Sc. degree at the Hunan Institute of Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr. Wenwu Xie, in 2019 and 2022, respectively.
jian xiao - Queens College | LinkedIn
View jian xiao’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Jian Xiao is a practitioner, educator and advocate in data driven strategic financial…
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CV - Jian Xiao / Homepage
[1] June 2024-June 2025, Graduate Innovation Program of Central China Normal University, “Generative AI for Near-field Communications”, Principal Investigator. [2] Oct. 2020-Sept. 2022, Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, “Research and Application of Space Time Encoding in MIMO-NOMA System”, Collaborator.
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