Jiangyong County - Wikipedia
Jiangyong County (simplified Chinese: 江永县; traditional Chinese: 江永縣; pinyin: Jiāngyǒng Xiàn) is a county of Hunan Province, China, it is under the administration of Yongzhou prefecture-level City. Located on the south margin of the province, it is bordered on the west by Guangxi.
关于《关于2025年春季中小学教育收费有关事项的通知》的征求意见的结果反馈 02-11; 关于《关于江永县秸秆禁烧区及限烧区划定的征求意见》的结果反馈 12-09; 关于禁止在江永县大古源水库工程占地和水库淹没区新增建设项目和迁入人口的征求意见稿的结果反馈 10-16; 江永县人民政府关于 …
Nushu Museum
Nushu is the world’s only known secret language and script created, used, and passed down exclusively by women. Originating in Jiangyong County, Hunan Province, this mysterious language’s origins remain an enigma.
江永县行政区划_行政区域_永州市人民政府 - yzcity
2016年7月19日 · 江永县是永州市辖县。 位于湖南省南部,地理坐标为东经110°32′-110°56′、北纬24°55′-25°28′。 东南与江华瑶族自治县接壤,南与广西富川瑶族自治县相连,西南与广西恭城县交界,西北与广西灌阳县毗邻,北部紧靠道县,南北长63千米,东西宽55.5千米。 总面积1629平方千米。 总人口27万人(2013年)。 全县辖6个镇、4个乡(其中4个民族乡):潇浦镇、上江圩镇、夏层铺镇、桃川镇、粗石江镇、迴 …
Xiaopu, Jiangyong - Wikipedia
Xiaopu Town (Chinese: 潇浦镇; pinyin: Xiāopǔ Zhèn) is a town and the county seat in the north central Jiangyong County, Hunan, China.
江永县 10 大景点玩乐 - Tripadvisor
该村是湖南省目前为止发现的年代最为久远的千年古村落。 村内至今仍保存着200多幢明清时代的古民居。 此外,村庄里留下了大量的明清建筑,如明万历四十八年的文昌阁、明弘治六年的门楼、明嘉靖十年、清乾隆年的步瀛桥、民国二年的石围墙等,还有一批明显带有宋代特征的古建筑。 创建于一千多年前的村庄,在历经千年风雨后,村庄的村名、位置、居住家族始终不变。 上甘棠村古建筑群于… 3. 女书文化村位于湖南省江永县上江圩镇境内,上江圩地处江永县北大门,距县城13 …
Nüshu · Kushim Jiang - GitHub Pages
2024年6月12日 · The Nüshu script is used by people in and around Jiangyong County to record the Xiangnan Tuhua, where Nüshu can refer to the writing system, poetic articles, and textual materials (including scrolls
Jiangyong Map - Yongzhou, Hunan, China - Mapcarta
Jiangyong County is a county of Hunan Province, China, it is under the administration of Yongzhou prefecture-level City. Located on the south margin of the province, it is bordered on the west by Guangxi .
Jiangyong County, Jiangyong County, China - Reviews, Ratings, …
Jiangyong County is a part of Yongzhou prefecture-level City in Hunan Province, China. Situated at the southern edge of the province, it shares its western border with Guangxi. This county is characterized by its scenic and picturesque landscapes, …
THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Jiangyong County (2025) - Tripadvisor
Things to Do in Jiangyong County, China: See Tripadvisor's 10 traveler reviews and photos of Jiangyong County tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in March. We have reviews of the best places to see in Jiangyong County. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.
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