Asian Vegetables: Beans, Melons, Mushrooms, and Root Vegetables
Jiao Bai is also called gāo sǔn (高笋) and is actually the overgrown stem of Manchurian wild rice. Found all over China and now in the US as well, it is particularly popular among the Shanghainese. Jiao Bai is commonly stir-fried but it can also be prepared similar to our Braised Spring Bamboo Shoots (油焖笋) recipe.
菰在中国主要分布于长江流域以南各地,在华北地区也有零星栽培 [4],主要产地包括黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、甘肃、陕西、四川、湖北、湖南、江西、福建、广东、台湾等地 [1]。 菰多为水生或沼生,常见栽培 [1]。 菰在中国各地湖泊、沟塘、水溪、河岸和沼泽中均能广泛生长,野生的菰多生长于水深1-1.5米的水岸附近,耐水性较强,为挺水植物。 其群落多以菰为建群种,成片状分布,有时与芦苇(Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.)、香蒲(Typha …
为你介绍茭白营养与选购,以及茭白的1068种做法。 食材简介. 茭白,是我国特有的水生蔬菜。 世界上把茭白作为蔬菜栽培的只有我国和越南。 古人称茭白为“菰”。 在唐代以前,茭白被当作粮食作物栽培,它的种子叫菰米或雕胡,是“六谷”(稌、黍、稷、粱、麦、菰)之一。 后来人们发现,有些菰因感染上黑粉菌而不抽穗,且植株毫无病象,茎部不断膨大,逐渐形成纺锤形的肉质茎,这就是现在食用的茭白。 这样,人们就利用黑粉菌阻止茭白开花结果,繁殖这种有病在身的畸型 …
Shrimp and Wild Rice Stem (茭白) Stir Fry - Healthy World Cuisine
2014年11月28日 · Wild rice stem is also called water bamboo and Jiao bai (茭白). Water bamboo stir fry can be on the table in less than 30 minutes and that includes a bit of chopping and steaming your rice. It has loads of warming ginger and antioxidant garlic to keep you healthy during the cold and flu season.
茭白, 中药材 名。 本品为禾本科 植物 菰的花茎经茭白黑粉的刺激而形成的纺锤形肥大的菌瘿。 功能主治为:解热毒,除烦渴,利二便。 治烦热,消渴,黄疸,痢疾,目赤,风疮。 本品为 禾本科 植物菰的花茎经茭白黑粉的刺激而形成的纺锤形肥大的菌瘿。 ①孟诜:寒。 ②《本草拾遗》:味甘,无毒。 ①《本草再新》:入肝、脾二经。 ②《本草撮要》:入手、足太阴经。 解热毒,除烦渴,利二便。 治烦热,消渴,黄疸, 痢疾,目赤,风疮。 ①孟诜:利五脏邪气,酒皱 …
Wild Rice Stem (茭白) Jiāo Bái - The Hutong
Wild rice stem (JiaoBai) is grown in the water in southern China or Vietnam. Although rice is sometimes called bamboo shoots, it actually has a much softer texture than regular bamboo. This sweet tasting yin food helps to nourish the liver, spleen and lungs.
Les Belles (2025) - MyDramaList
2025年2月13日 · Luo Ling Yu, a fallen noblewoman, travels to Jianye with her sister to seek refuge. On the way, she rescues a destitute man, Lu Yun, but later forces him to jump overboard due to societal norms. Unaware that the Lu family's third young master is the man she pushed into the water, she tries to win his favor—only to be repeatedly thwarted.
Big Boys Kitchen: "Jiao Bai Sun" with XO sauce
2008年1月1日 · "Jiao Bai Sun" or "Kao Pak Sung" is a very interesting type of vegetable and it is an imported seasonal vegetable from china. It looks like bamboo shoots but they are not. I was …
中国佛教百科全书 (全八册) / Zhong guo fo jiao bai ke quan shu PDF
《中国佛教百科全书》共十一卷,全八册,总约三百万字,从经典、教义、人物、历史、宗派、仪轨、诗偈、书画、雕塑、建筑、名山名寺等十一个方面,较全面系统地再现了中国佛教及中国佛教文化的总体面貌及其历史发展,其中,既有基本知识的介绍,又有主要义理的阐释;既有历史发展的概述,又有个案的深入剖析;既有宗教意义的阐发,又有文化价值的揭示。 作者把通俗性与学术性较好地统一起来,使《全书》既是初学者登门入室之阶梯,对佛学研究者又具有较高的参考 …
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