Xingjiao Temple - Wikipedia
The Xingjiao Temple (Chinese: 兴教寺; pinyin: Xīngjiào Sì) is located in Shaoling Yuan, Chang'an District of Xi'an. The five-storied Buddhist relic pagoda, preserving the remains of Xuanzang, …
Xingjiao Temple, Monastery of Flourishing Teaching Monastery, …
2024年8月15日 · Xingjiao Temple is located on Shaoling Plateau, Chang'an District, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) southeast of Xi'an. It is one of the Eight Great Temples of ancient …
Jiaobei - Wikipedia
It is one of the more commonly used items found in Chinese traditional religion and are used in temples and home shrines along with fortune sticks, both of which are often used together …
Xingjiao Temple - China Expedition Tours
Xingjiao Temple is one of the Eight Great Temples of ancient Fanchuan. Palaces and pagodas inside the temple look very grand. At the entrance to the buildings are the Bell and Drum …
Xingjiao Temple - chinatravelkey.com
The Xingjiao Temple is situated at the foot of Shaoling Plateau, about 20 kilometers south of Xi'an. This old buddhist temple is particularly famous because it is the burial place of …
Xiangshan Jiao Temple - Ningbo's Ancient Temple - chiige.com
Xiangshan Jiao Temple is located at the junction of Zhenhai and Cixi in Ningbo. It backs on Dapeng Mountain and faces Jiulong Lake. Surrounded by lush bamboos, the air is fresh. …
Jiao - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
A Jiao ritual can take many forms, depending on the specific Daoist ritual tradition of each locale. Most share certain basic features, however, such as the laying out of a sacred space, often …
Chinese Imperial Rituals - Shinto Wiki
Imperial rites, referred to as *Jiao Temple* (郊廟) in historical records, are divided into two categories: those conducted in the ancestral [ [Temple of Ancestral Worship [ja]]], which …
开封一赐乐业教寺 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年12月2日 · 兴建时间 始建于南宋隆兴元年 历史追溯 寺中原藏有道经13部,方经、散经数十册,都被列强掠走
Jiao Ritual - Kenyon College
Such temples and the communities they represent periodically hire Taoist priests to perform the chiao (also romanized as jiao) ritual, a renewal of their cosmic mandate and efficacy. A trun- …