Wine, Beer & Liquor - JIAO-YU GIN - MUSE Design Awards
To entice the drinker into an enjoyable drinking journey rich in the unique Bashu style, Laizhou Distillery, located in Qionglai, Sichuan, officially introduces the first gin brand of its collection--JIAO-YU GIN (Tale of Peppers). From packaging design to spirit body, JIAO-YU stands out for its refreshing creativeness and ingenuity.
崃州蒸馏厂于四川邛崃正式发布金酒品牌"椒语"及旗下首款干型金 …
四川邛崃2023年7月6日 /美通社/ -- 2023年7月6日,崃州蒸馏厂于四川邛崃正式发布旗下首个金酒品牌"椒语"(JIAO-YU)。 蕴天府之美,诉蜀地风情,"椒语"品牌首次为大家呈现的作品——干型金酒正是崃州蒸馏厂以蜀地风情去全面演绎经典。 "情有所蜀 点滴成金" 天府巴蜀,好山好水好食材,是佳酿出产的上佳之地。 来自四川崃州蒸馏厂的"椒语"以通透的酒体致敬这片风土。 "椒语"对于巴蜀韵味的表达展现在每一处细节中,瓶身设计上"椒语"受极具川渝代表性的竹元素启发, …
Best New Launch – Jiao-Yu / Dry Gin – World gin awards 2024
The World Gin Awards select the very best gins in the internationally recognised gin styles and promote the world’s best gins to trade and consumers.
Jiao Yu Gin Packaging by Laizhou Distillery
Jiao Yu Gin Packaging by Laizhou Distillery is a winner of the 2024 A' Packaging Design Award. This localised gin packaging gives customers a pleasant and relaxing drinking experience.
率先与消费者见面的是"椒语"产品中经典的代表"椒语"干型金酒,为了巴蜀韵味的绝佳呈现,崃州蒸馏厂精选黄金熟成时期采摘川渝具代表性的红花椒、青见甜橙及尤力克柠檬等数种特色食材。 洞察品牌动态,每日营销新鲜事早知道。
椒语金酒岭洌伏特加jiaoyu gin/linglie vodka 四川崃州 正品行货 …
欢迎来到淘宝网选购椒语金酒岭洌伏特加jiaoyu gin/linglie vodka 四川崃州 正品行货, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货承诺、让你简单淘到宝。
Jiao Yu Gin by Laizhou Distillery Wins Silver in A' Packaging …
Jiao Yu Gin's award-winning packaging design showcases the importance of cultural relevance and environmental sustainability in the packaging industry. By incorporating traditional Sichuan bamboo weaving elements and using eco-friendly materials, Laizhou Distillery demonstrates how packaging design can effectively connect with consumers while ...
As the first gin brand in China, Jiaoyu is a blend of several characteristic ingredients representing Sichuan-Chongqing culture, such as Sichuan pepper, sweet orange, and lemon. Jiaoyu maintains the concept of combining Chinese and Western cultures, creating a gin with an Eastern charm.
在淘宝,您不仅能发现JIAO-YU椒语四川干金酒700毫升(中国制造)的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。 想要探索更多关于JIAO-YU椒语四川干金酒700毫升(中国制造)的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!