Mr. Crabbycat | Yo-kai Watch Wiki | Fandom
Mr. Crabbycat (Japanese: ニャンパチ先生 Nyanpachi-sensei) is a Yo-kai of the Charming tribe introduced in Yo-kai Watch 3. Mr. Crabbycat is Jibanyan wearing a gray suit with a brown shirt worn underneath and a dark brown short wig. In his side series, Mr. Crabbycat is shown to have a short temper and a strict personality.
吉胖喵 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
吉胖喵(日语:ジバニャン,中国大陆译作“地缚猫”,香港译作“地縛喵”,台湾译作“吉胖喵”[4],台湾又译作「吉胖貓」[5][6]) 是 日本 遊戲設計師 日野晃博 以 貓又 為藍本設計的一隻貓型 地縛靈 [4] 的虛構 妖怪 角色,出場於 《妖怪手錶》系列 遊戲與動畫作品中 [7],同時也是妖怪手錶系列作品的 吉祥物 [8]。 有時甚至被認為是 Level-5 公司的代表物 [9]。 在妖怪手表的設定中,吉胖喵屬於 可愛族 [註 1] 的妖怪,是為了救主人而被車撞死而形成地縛靈,在變成妖怪之前的名字不是吉 …
Jibanyan - Yo-kai Watch Wiki
Jibanyan (Japanese: ジバニャン Jibanyan) is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Whisper) of the Yo-kai Watch series. He is a Rank D Fire -attribute Yo-kai of the Charming tribe introduced in Yo-kai Watch.
Hangin' with Mr. Crabbycat | Yo-kai Watch Wiki | Fandom
Hangin' with Mr. Crabbycat (Japanese: 3年Y組ニャンパチ先生 San-nen Wai-gumi Nyanpachi-sensei) is a segment in the Yo-kai Watch anime series, that runs from EP044 to EP046, EP048 and EP050. It is about a teacher named Mr. Crabbycat, portrayed as Jibanyan working as a school teacher while trying to handle the misbehavior of his students.
Mr. Crabbycat | Wiki | Yo-Kai Watch Amino - Amino Apps
2019年8月31日 · Crabbycat (portrayed by Jibanyan) works at a Yo-kai school with Mr. Countryfolk (portrayed by Komasan) and Miss Blizzaria as they work to educate their students including the unruly ones like Roughraff and Noway.
Jibanyang - NamuWiki
2024年12月7日 · Originally, he lived on an overpass at the crossroads, but was kicked out because another monster resided there, and now lives with Minho's house. She sometimes appears as a hot-blooded cat teacher and knows youkai better than Whisper.
Wiki - jibanyan - e621
Jibanyan is a bipedal red cat yo-kai, and is a friend of Nathan_Adams. He’s characterized as lazy and easygoing, but loyal. and has a love for chocobars and Next HarMEOWny. He has two_tails, each with an aquamarine colored hitodama flame on the end. His face is white, and he has yellow eyes with large black pupils.
吉胖喵 - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
吉胖喵 (日語: ジバニャン)是由 LEVEL-5 所創作的遊戲《妖怪手錶》及其衍生作品的登場角色,是由日本遊戲設計師日野晃博以貓為藍本設計的一隻貓型地縛靈的虛構妖怪角色,同時也是妖怪手錶系列作品的吉祥物。 有時甚至被認為是LEVEL-5公司的代表物。 在妖怪手錶的設定中,吉胖喵屬於可愛族的妖怪,是為了救主人而被車撞死而形成地縛靈,因此不喜歡車,一直在魚屋前的交叉路口做著 用肉球打敗汽車的 修行 但是必定會被車撞飛。 在變成妖怪之前的名字不是吉胖喵 …
Characters in Yo-kai Watch: Shadowside - TV Tropes
30 years after the original series, Jibanyan returns with a brand new look. Now partnered with Nate's daughter Natsume, they work together to battle mischievous Yo-kai.
Jibanyan - Character Profile Wikia
Jibanyan is the mascot character of Yo-kai Watch, an RPG series of video games published by Level 5. Jibanyan is a D-Rank Fire-Attribute Yo-kai of the Charming Tribe. Before becoming a Yo-kai, Jibanyan was an ordinary cat who lived with a girl named Amy.