家庭社交机器人鼻祖 Jibo 卖身记:高开低走的一生,都经历了什 …
继今年 8 月份博世(Bosch)旗下 Kuri 机器人宣布停产后,全球智能家庭社交机器人鼻祖 Jibo 今天也传来不好的消息。 据 The Robot report 报道,Jibo 已经将旗下知识产权资产和 IP 出售给纽约投资公司 SQN Venture Partners,而这笔交易已经在今年 6 月份完成。 据悉,这是 …
Jibo Robot - He can't wait to meet you
Your smart home just got even smarter. Thanks to integrations with internet of things devices like Hue Lights, your personal robot can now serve as a hub for all of your home automation devices. With an ever-growing list of direct and IFTTT integrations, Jibo can help keep your home running efficiently, and just the way you like it.
Jibo (@jibotv) • Instagram photos and videos
Follow if you'd like to see all types of games. Check out my Stream to get it live! @JiboTV Twitch Gamer 🖥️🖱️"
Jibo家庭机器人 | 爱是陪伴,Jibo有情感-极果 - jiguo.com
2014年10月12日 · · 人机互动功能:Jibo内置了两个高分辨率的相机,可以识别、追踪人脸,发起即时视频通话;内置的360度环绕扬声器和语音处理机制,可在房间的任何位置与用户交谈。 Jibo并不依靠强大的处理器或更好的传感器,Jibo的秘密在于情感。 与其他设备不同,Jibo将用户当作人类对待。 这款产品将较Siri实现巨大的飞跃,它能拍摄照片;还有提醒功能,可以避免因为过于繁忙而忘记一些事情,另外,家里的孩子也可以与它展开良性互动,而不必学习那些很容 …
Just being myself - I am a veteran gamer who enjoys reviewing games, playing competitively, coaching, and more. From FPS to MMO, variety in gaming is the spice of life for me. Follow or subscribe if you want to support me while I vibe and play.
Watch Jibo, The World's First Social Robot for the Home on …
Are you a creator or a brand interested in livestreaming? Learn how. Woot! Shop with expert advice from Amazon Exclusives in their latest video Jibo, The World's First Social Robot for …
关于Jibo,所有你不知道的都在这里了-36氪 - 36Kr
投资Jibo,符合目前东方网力的战略——以视频为基础,围绕人们衣食住行等主要生活场景,保障安全的同时实现视频通讯、社交及娱乐方面的需求。 这笔投资金额为300万美元,占股2.24%。
Jibo是人类历史上第一台进入家庭的Social Robot智能陪伴机器人。 全球首台基于家庭场景的社交机器人Jibo,被《时代周刊》(TIME)评选为2017年全球25项最佳发明,不仅与iPhone X、Tesla Model 3等知名智能科技产品齐名,并且作为代表了这个时代AI消费品趋势的里程碑式 ...
Japan International Broadcasting Inc. - jibtv
JIB produces a variety of TV programs that focus on Japan in English language such as "Journeys in Japan" and "J-MELO", commissioned by Japan's public service broadcaster …
Jibo Robot
Jibo robot is a social robot designed to interact with humans and assist in daily tasks.
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