节瓜 - 百度百科
本品为 葫芦科 植物节瓜的果实。 夏季果实成熟时采收。 功能主治为:①《纲目拾遗》:止渴生津,驱暑,健脾,利大小肠。 ②《本草求原》:功同冬瓜,而无冷利之患。 益胃,长于下气消水。 本品为葫芦科植物节瓜的果实。 夏季果实成熟时采收。 《本草求原》:甘,淡。 ①《纲目拾遗》:止渴生津,驱暑,健脾,利大小肠。 ②《本草求原》:功同冬瓜,而无冷利之患。 益胃,长于下气消水。 一年生攀援草本,为冬瓜的变种。 茎略成方形,被黄褐色毛,卷须分枝。 单叶互 …
Jie Guo - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Jie Guo. Nanjing University. 在 nju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - ... M Li, J Guo, X Cui, R Pan, Y Guo, C Wang, P Yu, F Pan. Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia, 1-6, 2019. 15: 2019:
节瓜_性味_归经_功效_作用_别有病 - Byb.cn
【特点】: 嫩瓜肉质柔滑、清淡。 1.易吸收: 据植物药理,节瓜乃体弱的病愈者最合适的食物,其养份较一般蔬菜为高,各种营养分量均不特殊,属体虚者较易吸收的食用蔬果。 2.利尿: 节瓜有助利尿,使尿量增加,消除身体积滞的水份。
节瓜 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月28日 · 节瓜原产中国南部,适宜生长在有较高温度,较强光照的地方,春、夏、秋均可种植。 在广东、广西、台湾种植较普遍,其中广州有300余年的栽培历史。 节瓜 节瓜根系较强大,但比南瓜弱。 茎蔓生,叶五棱,瓜长10-20厘米,横径6-8厘米米,青绿色,被茸毛。 茎节腋芽容易发生侧蔓,故分枝力强。 抽蔓开始,每个茎节还有卷须,卷须分枝,以后又有花芽,花芽分化成雄花或雌花。 节瓜叶互生,掌状5-7裂,一般长18-20厘米,宽20-25厘米,叶缘有小缺刻呈 …
Chi qua - Wikipedia
The fruit is commonly referred to in Chinese as chi qua (simplified Chinese: 节瓜; traditional Chinese: 節瓜; pinyin: jiéguā; Jyutping: zit3 gwaa1), but can also be referred to as moa qua or moa gua (Chinese: 毛瓜; pinyin: máoguā; Jyutping: mou4 gwaa1; lit. 'hairy gourd').
节瓜_食品库_别有病 - Byb.cn
[拼音]: jie gua [图片]: [ 性 ]: 平 [ 味 ]: 甘 [归经]: 脾,胃,大肠 [功效]: 清热、清暑、解毒、利尿、消肿 [适宜]: 肾脏病、浮肿病、糖尿病 [禁忌]: [特点]: 嫩瓜肉质柔滑、清淡。 [描述]:
Hairy Gourd Mokwa Seeds (毛瓜/节瓜种子) - AgroHaitai Ltd.
Benincasa hispida var. chieh-gua Other names: haired gourd, fuzzy gourd, fuzzy squash, Mao Gua, Mao Qua, Mokwa, Mo Kwa, Hairy Cucumber, Joined Gourd, Jie Gua, Tsi Chewie, Dong Kiang, Tung Chewie, Tsit Gua, small winter melon. Optimum germination temperature: 30-32°C.
Hairy Gourd (Jie Gua) with Dried Shrimp and Glass Noodles Recipe
1 large hairy gourd (jie gua), sliced and seeds/ skin removed. 1 packet of glass noodles. 4 cloves garlic, roughly chopped. Handful of dried shrimp, rinsed. 1 tablespoon or to taste light soy sauce (I used Yuen Chun's) 1 cup water or vegetables/ chicken broth. Dash of salt (optional) Method: Firstly, heat up your wok until almost smoking.
Jie Gui
Jie Gui is currently the Professor in the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University. He obtained his PhD degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from the University of Science and Technology of China, in 2010. He has worked as a postdoc research fellow at the University of Michigan.
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