Ji-Eun Byun - Google Scholar
University of Glasgow - Cited by 236 - structural and system reliability analysis - reliability-based optimization - probabilistic graphical
Dr Ji-Eun Byun - University of Glasgow - Schools
Dr Ji-Eun Byun Lecturer in Smart Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (Infrastructure & Environment)
Ji-Eun Byun · Glasgow
Ji-Eun Byun Principal Investigator I am a Lecturer in Lecturer in Smart Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK. I have been focusing on making large-scale system assessment and optimisation tractable and computationally efficient.
Ji-Eun Byun - Professorship of Engineering Risk Analysis
Byun, J.-E. and Song, J. (2021). Risk-informed decision-support on large-scale multi-state systems using matrix-based Bayesian network, Engineering Mechanics Institute 2021 (EMI 2021), May 25-28, Streamed from New York, USA.
Ji-Eun BYUN | Lecturer | Doctor of Engineering - ResearchGate
Ji-Eun BYUN, Lecturer | Cited by 131 | of University of Glasgow, Glasgow (UofG) | Read 18 publications | Contact Ji-Eun BYUN
Ji-Eun Byun (0000-0003-0437-5013) - ORCID
Reliability analysis of transportation networks using artificial neural networks. Review activity for Applied mathematical modelling. (1) Review activity for ASCE-ASME journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems. (2) Review activity for International journal of disaster risk reduction. (2) Review activity for Knowledge-based systems. (1)
Ji-Eun Byun - Lecturer - James Watt School of Engineering
Lecturer at UofG · Experience: James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow · Education: Seoul National University · Location: United Kingdom · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Ji-Eun...
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Reliabiltiy-based optimisation (RBO) aims to find the most economical solution that satisfies the reliability requirement; see the figure below. As a tool for RBO, BORM greatly improves computational efficiency, especially in data-driven settings (Byun and Royset 2022) and given a general, large-scale system (Byun et al. 2023).
Ji-Eun Byun | UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and …
Ms Ji Eyun Byun Dept of Civil, Environ &Geomatic Eng Faculty of Engineering Sciences