Jieun Yu Art Website
Creative Director, Visual Storyteller, Designer & Painter.
Paintings - Jieun Yu
I have painted for many years in various mediums, trained in Western & Eastern, traditional & modern art techniques. The average size of my original paintings are about 3 feet by 4 feet. I sell original pieces, prints of original pieces, and commissioned works. On this page, my works are organized into series and categories below "Open Gallery."
self love - Jieun Yu
are something special to me, and a way for me to exist and express in my truest, most abstract, and thus most freeing self. The self-portraits are shown in chronological order (2023 - 2015) Please click to see the full graphic.I am an artist:
유지은 (@artist_jieun_yu) • Instagram photos and videos
2,931 Followers, 1,700 Following, 4,266 Posts - 유지은 (@artist_jieun_yu) on Instagram: "♦️Artist 예술문화통합교육강사 🎤 ♦️시니어배우모델/학교센터출강 …
ArtStation - Jieun Yu
freelance illustrator
Jieun Yu님 - 단국대학교 - 대한민국 서울 | LinkedIn
My name is JIEUN YU. I live in Seoul, Korea. With a background in fine arts and nearly 20 years of experience in the Korean Film industry, I have grown alongside movies.
Jieun Yu - Los Angeles, California, United States - LinkedIn
Improved account security with secure password management and designed tools for streamlined customer interaction. University of California, Berkeley · Experience: Samsung Display Solutions ·...
jieun_Yu_ (@jieun_yu_ai) • Instagram photos and videos
1,039 Followers, 908 Following, 85 Posts - jieun_Yu_ (@jieun_yu_ai) on Instagram: "From now on, I'm going to upload the picture I drew. Starting tomorrow, I will upload two works a day. Please follow me!!!!!!!~~~~~~"
Jieun YU | Senior Researcher | Doctor of Business Administration ...
Jieun YU, Senior Researcher | Cited by 1,315 | of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon (ETRI) | Read 13 publications | Contact Jieun YU
Endnotes¹ Artists - endnotes.yaleschoolofart.org
Statement I like to think of my art works as some sort of reproduction of myself. I mostly paint on flat surfaces but sometimes incorporate sculptural pieces as does my thesis collection, composed of paintings and sculptures that discuss how it has felt to live in my body in the United States as a Korean immigrant, what mortality and life means to me as a …