Jin (@jin.668) - TikTok
Jin (@jin.668) on TikTok | 6.8M Likes. 249.5K Followers. Dancer, music, travel 🧳.Watch the latest video from Jin (@jin.668).
Jin Dance Performance by Gentlemen PSY | TikTok
TikTok video from Jin (@jin.668): “Watch an amazing dance performance by Jin from the Gentlemen PSY video. Experience the Kpop sensation with this talented dancer! #jin #Kpop #oppa #kdrama #usatiktok #tiktokusa #dancer #usa #ChoiheyJin”.
Jin 668 Kpop Dancer: Amazing Moves and Style | TikTok
Watch Jin 668, the Kpop dancer with incredible skills and style, mesmerize you with his performance. Experience the energy and talent of Jin as he dances to popular Kpop songs. #dancer #Jin668 #Kpop #oppa #kdrama #usatiktok #tiktokusa #usa_tiktok #foryou.
Transcriptome and metabolome analysis reveal that oral …
2020年12月1日 · PCA plot of metabolite features of inbred line Jin 668 treated with W + W, W + OS_H (a) or W + OS_S (b) for the indicated times. Number of significantly regulated metabolite features in W + OS_H (c) and W + OS_S (d) respectively at each time point.
GB | 华中农大张献龙教授团队利用单细胞测序技术揭示棉花优良转化受体-Jin668 …
2023年8月26日 · Jin668是本团队近年来选育的优良遗传转化受体材料,该材料是以农艺性状较好的棉花主栽品种为研究对象,经过连续再生驯化(SRA)策略(通过获取经过体细胞胚胎发生过程获得的再生植株的种子,作为下一次组织培养的受体材料,连续重复这一过程多次)培育的转化效率高、综合农艺性状优良的遗传转化受体材料(Li et al., 2019, Plant Biotechnology Journal), 目前全球超过60多家棉花科研单位利用该材料成功进行了5000多个基因的遗传转化和基因编辑 …
2024年2月17日 · 随后采用RT-qPCR分析棉花品种‘Jin 668’在盐胁迫和ABA处理下GhTINY2的表达变化发现,GhTINY2的表达量在NaCl处理1 h、8 h和12 h后也呈显著下调表达趋势(图1-B), 而ABA处理后GhTINY2的表达无明显变化(图1-C), 表明GhTINY2可参与调控棉花对盐胁迫的应答反应, 但这一调控过程可能不 ...
一种提高棉花再生及转化效率的方法及应用 - Patent9
以本发明培育的Jin668作为转基因受体材料,将多个抗虫、提高油份的基因导入棉花宿主细胞,得到表达外源基因的转基因棉花植株。 本发明属于植物基因工程技术领域,具体涉及一种提高棉花再生及转化效率的方法及应用。 通过再生能力比较筛选获得农艺性状优良的棉花转基因受体材料Y668,以Y668为受体转GFP基因获得的分离群体T1代中的阴性单株Null为组织培养受体材料,经过连续两次的体细胞再生获得R2群体,最后经过典型单株选择、自交获得再生能力比亲本提 …
Developing the elite “Jin668” from the maternal cultivar Y668 …
Recently, an elite cotton Jin668, with an extremely high regeneration ability, was developed from its maternal inbred Y668 cultiva... [...] Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a means by which plants...
Psy's Dance Featuring Jin 668 | Kpop TikTok Trends | TikTok
7499 Likes, 91 Comments. TikTok video from Jin (@jin.668): “Watch the mesmerizing dance performance by Jin as he dances to Psy's hit song. Explore the latest Kpop trends and enjoy the viral video sensation! #Kpop #oppa #kdrama #usatiktok #tiktokusa #usa_tiktok #foryou #dancer #GENTLEMAN #daddy #thatthat #Jin #Genlement #Psy #beautiful”.
Cotton BLH1 and KNOX6 antagonistically modulate fiber …
2024年7月8日 · WT, wild type (‘Jin 668’). To characterize the molecular mechanism by which GhBLH1 mediates fiber cell elongation, we performed an RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis of fiber cells from wild-type and GhBLH1 transgenic cotton plants.