JIN TECH AMERICA Careers and Employment | Indeed.com
Find out what works well at JIN TECH AMERICA from the people who know best. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Uncover why …
骏玖电子 - 骏玖电子 - jin-tech.cn
骏玖用四年时间实现了销售覆盖国内所有一线主机厂,与国内将近一百家头部零部件商达成合作,与国外行业头部企业如IAV、AKKODIS、Vector等达成稳定研发业务服务关系或者中国区独家合作伙伴关系。 我们通过向客户提供各类测试和研发服务,充分了解各整车厂及Tier1的适配Know-how,在部分整车厂,我们的测试报告是零部件产品入围的必要条件。 业务上,我们具备从需求分析,方案设计,开发调过,到最终测过验证完成交付的全流程闭环能力,并能为客户提供最核 …
我们具备应用软件、中间件、设备驱动软件、基础软件开发能力,涉及座舱、自动驾驶、车身等领域,并能设计适合国内客户需求的技术解决方案. 控制器软硬件设计开发量产. 我们实现了从功能定义到芯片适配开发到测试验证并最终完成量产交付的全流程覆盖. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
JIN TECH CO.,LTD - Company Infomation
Detailed information on JIN TECH CO.,LTD Visit for detailed information on manufacturers and wholesale suppliers.
骏玖电子(Jin Tech)完成A轮融资 - 创投之家
2023年5月29日 · 汽车电子软件解决方案提供商 骏玖电子 ( Jin Tech )已完成A轮融资。本轮融资由张江科投领投,由凯风创投、中国太平、金水湖基金、劲邦资本联合投资。
About Us – Jin Technologies Private Limited
For over 30 years, we’ve been delivering top-notch application development and software outsourcing services to clients worldwide. Our consistent innovation has positioned us on the …
Jin Technologies Private Limited – Jintech
Creating effective digital solutions that solve complex problems. One of the leading technology companies of Pakistan, proud to be in the industry since 1991. Specializing in Claris FileMaker, we’ve completed thousands of hours of development projects.
骏玖电子 - 骏玖电子 - jin-tech.cn
Home - Jintech Business Suite
JTBS provides an intuitive platform for business owners to analyze their business’s supply chain. View stock, customer, supplier, delivery and sales centric reports with ease. Learn more… Manage your business’s bills, invoices and payments through our intuitive user interface which stores, displays and processes various financial transactions.
Jintech Business Suite – Jin Technologies Private Limited
Jintech Business Suite is an intuitive and low-code development software built specifically to streamline business processes. The suite has various modules that communicate seamlessly, ensuring efficiency at every level. Analyze business supply chain, delivery and sales centric reports with ease.