Jin Xu | Department of Art History & Archaeology - Columbia …
Jin Xu specializes in pre-modern Chinese art history, with a particular interest in art and architecture during the imperial period (221 BCE–1911 CE). His research focuses on the …
清华 - 徐进 - Jin Xu
我们组致力于通用语音理解,大规模语音合成,通用音频合成以及围绕音频多模态的Chat模型研究。 在此之前,我是 清华大学交叉信息研究院 的博士生 (2018-2023),研究大模型自动架构搜 …
The department is delighted to welcome Jin Xu
2023年8月30日 · Jin Xu, Jane and Leopold Swergold Associate Professor of Chinese Art History.
Jin Xu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Xu Tan Principal Researcher and Research Manager, Microsoft 在 microsoft.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Jin Xu
I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford, supervised by Yee Whye Teh and Tom Rainforth, and I am part of the OxCSML group. My recent research …
Jin Xu - Google Scholar
How do ex ante severance pay contracts fit into optimal executive incentive schemes? Does It Pay To Hire A Friend? How Does Capital Structure Impact Product Prices? Evidence from the …
Jin Xu - Google Scholar
Volkan Cevher Associate Professor, LIONS, EPFL. Amazon Scholar (AGI Foundations).
Artist | JinJin Xu
JinJin Xu is a poet and artist from Shanghai. She is never quite sure the form of her haunting.
Jin Xu at Vassar College - Rate My Professors
Jin Xu is a professor in the Art History department at Vassar College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Jin Xu | Center for the Art of East Asia
Jin Xu. Columbia University – Jane and Leopold Swergold Associate Professor of Chinese Art History. Center for the Art of East Asia Department of Art History The University of Chicago …