Jing Lei - stat.cmu.edu
I graduated from Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley in May 2010 under supervision of Professor Peter Bickel. I worked at Google as a statistician for one year before I joined the Statistics Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Here are links to my cv and an image showing my name in Chinese characters.
Jing Lei - Google Scholar
15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics … L Liu, J Lei, SJ Sanders, AJ Willsey, Y Kou, AE Cicek, L Klei, C Lu, X He, ...
Jing Lei - Publications - Carnegie Mellon University
2024年8月6日 · Lei, J., Oliveira, N. L. and Tibshirani, R. J. (2024+) Discussion of `Data Fission: Splitting a Single Data Point' by Leiner et al. Journal of the American Statistical Association , to appear.
Jing Lei - Statistics & Data Science - Carnegie Mellon University
My main research area is statistical theory and methodology, including: Analyzing statistical properties of some popular methods and algorithms in machine learning and engineering, such as the particle filter, spectral clustering, and sparse PCA; Developing new statistical methods that are suitable for high-dimensional, complex data, including d...
Jing Lei
Jing Lei Professor, Department of Statistics & Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University Email: jinglei [at] andrew.cmu.edu.no.spam • Office: 132C Baker Hall
Jing Lei Profile - Carnegie Mellon University
2017年7月1日 · View the Carnegie Mellon University profile of Jing Lei. Including their publications, professional activities and teaching activities.
Jing Lei - Google Scholar
What makes the difference? A practical analysis of research on the effectiveness of distance education. Digital natives as preservice teachers: What technology preparation is needed? One-to-one...
Jing Lei - Syracuse University School of Education
Dr. Lei teaches courses in technology integration, instructional design, development and evaluation. Dr. Lei’s scholarship focuses on how information and communication technology can help prepare a new generation of citizens for a globalizing and digitizing world.
Jing Lei - Google Scholar
Jing Lei. Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) Verified email at osaka-u.ac.jp. ion channel immunology. Articles Cited by. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year; Trypanosomatid parasite dynamically changes the transcriptome during infection and modifies honey bee physiology.
Jing LEI | Carnegie Mellon University, PA | CMU | Department of ...
Jing LEI | Cited by 6,740 | of Carnegie Mellon University, PA (CMU) | Read 57 publications | Contact Jing LEI