JellyCat Chip Seagull – JINI MINI
t cream fur with dark grey wings, Chip has thin, suedette legs and a dark grey tuft. With a curved mustard suedette beak, Chip is ready for a beach picnic or two this summer!
Jini software runs on top of Java Virtual machine and will work in any IP-based network of machines with Java VMs. It is based entirely on Java and depends on Java to function.
Applications of Jini technology in wireless mobile computing ...
2002年8月6日 · This paper describes the implementation of Sun Microsystems's Jini based services and applications aim for wireless mobile computing environment. Three applications are implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of deploying the Jini technology over a wireless LAN to enable spontaneous networking between the wireless mobile clients and ...
The Jini vision - InfoWorld
1999年8月20日 · JCan is developing a chip based on Sun’s picoJava core that will include the Java and Jini APIs on the chip.
Jini与J2ME在RFID中的应用 - CSDN博客
2006年11月18日 · 在RFID的应用您一定会碰到这样的情景,您新购买了一台RFID读写器,与以往源自不同的厂商.您经过一阵努力,找到了该设备在这个硬件平台上的驱动.但很多情况下,并没有这么幸运,因为很多小型应用,用的都是自已开发的平台.读写器厂商可能根本不知您的硬件设备.您只好用C从头开始,读I/O口,转换,缓存区管理等等....好了,您写好驱动,开始使用了.这时您可能会发现这个家伙在通信实现方面与已有的硬件有很大.
Jini技术开发指南 - 百度百科
Jini是最近出现的构建分布式应用的框架之一。 它由Sun Microsystems创建,采用Java编写,并基于Java所支持的分布式面向对象原则实现应用的分布与组织。 本书涵盖了所有的Jini概念,并对一些高级问题进行了讨论 ,如连接Jini与CORBA系统以及利用Jini使硬件设备在网络上可用,等等。 这是一本拿来即用,学完后能够马上进行编程的书。 本书适合有一定Java和网络编程经验而且希望尽快掌握Jini的程序员和设计人员阅读。
基于Jini技术的RFID中间件平台 - RFID中间件,制造 - RFID技术文章
2011年11月22日 · 本文通过Jini分布式技术与RFID中间件技术的结合,解决分布式环境下RFID中间件中的设备配置与管理所存在的问题,实现设备的自动配置与智能管理的即插即用功能,基于Jini技术的RFID中间件平台架构如图l所示。 图1 基于Jini的RFID中间件平台架构.
JINI Technology | PPT - SlideShare
2014年2月4日 · Jini is a technology that enables flexible and adaptive distributed computing by allowing devices and services to dynamically join and leave a network. It provides interfaces for discovery, communication and leasing of services.
Developing Jini applications using J2ME technology
2002年3月1日 · Developing Jini Applications Using J2ME Technology provides the detailed roadmap needed to design and implement the applications necessary to make a Jini network function successfully. This book is your key to understanding and avoiding the common traps and pitfalls that await developers approaching Jini and J2ME technology for the first time.
Using a Jini based desktop Grid for test vector compaction and a ...
Testing of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits is done by designing huge random sets of vectors of which only a few are useful. The process of filtering these good vectors from the overall set is called vector compaction. As the integrated circuits become denser, this problem is becoming a major bottleneck and the computation time could run into days for a single chip. In this paper we ...