Jini Architecture Specification - The Apache Software Foundation
This document describes the high-level architecture of system of Jini TM technology-enabled services and/or devices (Jini system), defines the different components that make up the …
The Jini infrastructure is built on the Java Remote Method Invocation sys-tem, which has been part of the Java platform since the release of Java 1.1 in January 1997 [12]. On top of this …
the Jini architecture exploits the ability to move Java programming language code from machine to machine and unifies, under the notion of a service, everything from the user of a Jini …
The Jini Architecture For Network-Centric Computing
1999年7月1日 · A service (hardware or software) that wants to join a Jini federation sends out a packet, multicast over the LAN to a well-known port, asking for any lookup service to respond. …
2010年4月22日 · Jini通过使用面向对象的语言JAVA,将即插即用特性赋予了各种各样的设备,例如PC、手持式电脑、蜂窝电话以及48KB的小内存设备,从而减少了网络上的冲突。但 …
Alive and well: Jini technology today - IEEE Xplore
2002年8月6日 · The Jini technology is an approach to distributed systems that uses several Java properties. In particular, the Jini environment makes heavy use of Java's ability to move …
初识JINI技术 - CSDN博客
2009年5月13日 · Jini package使用的语言是Java,并且包含了许多处理网路上资源的相关功能。 例如:如何帮助网路服务寻找(discovery)、以及加入(join)联盟;或者帮助网路服务处理 …
Jini除了拥有Java和分布式系统的特点外,还 提供了一种主动的、响应式的基础设施,从而可在零安装、零配 置以及100%服务交互的条件下动态地建立服务群体。
artima - Objects, the Network and Jini
1999年6月15日 · This article introduces Sun Microsystems's Jini technology; demonstrates how Jini enables services on a network to find each other through the processes of discovery, join, …
2015年4月17日 · 在本文中,我们将向你展示怎样为RMI实现一个类Jini的发现机制,这将使得一些客户端从必须知道RMI服务器URL的麻烦中解脱出来。你可能首先会想,为什么要这么麻烦; …
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