Jinx Mid Build : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2023年4月7日 · If you want to play Jinx mid, consider giving lethality Jinx a try - you start Longsword+Refillable and you run Barrier or TP. You aim to buy Tear+Dirk on first back and you max W>E>Q. Your core items are Duskblade>Manamune, rest of build is situational but usually items like Youmuus, Nights Edge, Serpents Fang etc.
Jinx mid : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2023年3月21日 · My Jinx mid build focuses on W instead of Q and builds for lethality/phys damage rather than attack speed, plus mana sustain. It's all about long range poke and skillshots rather than pure dakka. I start with Tear, then build Duskblade and Muramana and finish with Shojin. Keystone is First Strike, then I have free boots, biscuits, and cosmic ...
Jinx mid : r/summonerschool - Reddit
2018年3月9日 · Jinx mid isn't great at some things (early wave clear, generating lane priority, synergy with junglers to control side lanes and river with reliable CC), she's obviously awesome at other things (scales like a hyper carry), and she's flat-out terrible at doing magic damage.
Thoughts on Jinx mid? : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2022年7月16日 · I'm no expert, so you can take my advice with a grain of salt, but in short, I think it is possible to play Jinx mid - but other people might not be happy about it. Recommended runes and builds (by mobafire) [Made 2/3/2021] Build: [Basically Lethality build] Starter item: Doran blade / Doran's ring / tear of the goddess
A Guide for AP Jinx in the Midlane : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2020年9月5日 · For ap jinx to function at her best, she has to have her cooldowns low on e and w, and that requires exp, so farm up for the mid game where she shines, the less gold you give the enemy early, the easier it is to press your advantage mid game. Jinx is actually a very safe mid laner if you play around her e ability well, as it forces people to ...
See? Playing AP Jinx mid is a proof of sound judgement!
2024年1月9日 · Playing Jinx mid, as pure otp in ranked, is a real challenge for mental. People will blame your pick for their misstakes, more often than reasonnable and way more than what you deserve. Add AFKs and banned/picked jinx to that and its a lot of LP loss for free.
Jinx mid, seems to work for me but man people hate it. Should
assuming it to be the case go for it and "/mute all", also feel free to give whomever bans your champion on purpose the finger by either picking their champion or just afking the game because if they don't want to play with a jinx-mid then they can dodge. if they are going to force-ruin your game, make them waste 20 min of their lives too.
Question about Jinx Mid : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2023年10月4日 · Question about Jinx Mid Hello I am a midlaner main and Jinx is a champion I always loved to play. I don’t play adc, I tried, but I am very bad at it so I still wanna play Jinx I was wondering if it is possible to play her mid.
Any tips on playing Jinx mid? : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2020年7月31日 · OTP Jinx mid here. Diana & Fizz are manageable. It is easy to dodge Diana's skillshots, and hexdrinker VS fizz is pretty strong in early game. Fizz is harder though, because of his dodging abilities. Zed is very hard but manageable too BUT he WILL feed himself on other lanes. Dodge Talon is doable BUT same as zed, he WILL feed himself on other ...
"jinx mid is the new meta" : r/leagueofjinx - Reddit
2024年6月17日 · Though, the funny thing is that in a couple of drafts, I got mid lane instead of bot and Caitlyn, the only mid champion I kinda know how to play, got banned, so I decided to play Jinx, as at least I knew the champion well, and I got a much better early game than I ever did in bot lane: I farmed minions, I kept the enemy Akali from advancing, I ...