JJA | Trends creator : deco and furniture
Find all JJA products and brands and order them online. Enjoy commercial animations, exclusive web offers, shop exhibition recommendations, ... View product stocks in real-time for just-in-time deliveries.
JJA - International Purchasers List (国际采购商名录) - mingluji.com
JJA is an international purchaser from France, need to buy products of Office Stationery, Home Textiles, Gift, Utensils, Kitchenware and Tableware, Commodity etc. categories. (该公司是一家国际采购商,来自法国,需要购买的产品类别包括:办公文具、家用纺织品、礼品、器皿及餐厨用品 …
J.J.A. - International Purchasers List (国际采购商名录)
J.J.A. is an international purchaser from France, need to buy products of Office Stationery, Electronic and Information Products, Home Appliances, Home Textiles, Gift, Utensils, Kitchenware and Tableware, Commodity, Ceramics, Sports and Tourism Leisure Products, Toy, Watch Glasses, Adornment etc. categories.
JJA - Trends creator | About our products
Unleash your decor powers! Simply Smart! JJA c’est 6 univers au meilleur prix pour équiper toute la maison : Hespéride, Atmosphera, Secret de Gourmet, Fééric Lights&Christmas, BeToys, 5Five.
제이제인 퍼프 슬리브 카라 니트 Puff Sleeve Collar Knit (Purple)
[JJA] 제이제인 퍼프 슬리브 카라 니트 Puff Sleeve Collar Knit (Purple) J386KT01PP
JJA - 领英 (中国)
JJA, industriel de marques Créée en 1976, JJA est un acteur incontournable de l’univers de la maison. D’abord grossiste puis importateur, JJA a su faire évoluer son cœur de métier pour...
JJA | Créateur de Tendances depuis 1976 : décoration et mobilier
Retrouvez les produits de toutes les marques JJA et commandez-les en ligne. Profitez des animations commerciales, des exclusivités web, des recommandations d’exposition magasin... Consultez en temps réel nos stocks produits pour des livraisons dans des délais optimaux.
JJA - Megalant
JJA. Filter. BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER . Sign up and be the first to hear about promotions, new offers and updates! Suglasan/Suglasna sam da se proslijeđeni osobni podatci upotrebljavaju, odnosno obrađuju u skladu s pravilima privatnosti za slanje e-poruka povezanih s poslovanjem organizatora kao što su, naprimjer ...
Shenzhen Jiajiaan Technology Co., Ltd. Profile on MachineryOffers
Shenzhen Jiajiaan Technology Co., Ltd. home page. main products: Calling device, food thermometer, Nose hair trimmer, wireless doorbell, dog training collar. Profile on MachineryOffers.
JJA日本珠宝设计比赛获奖作品 - 设计竞赛网
经济产业省,卫生部,劳动福利部,日本造币厂,在东京都政府及有关行业组织的赞助下,JJA致力于日本国内外首饰行业的发展。 JJA由正式会员,组织正式会员和支持会员组成。 正式会员是从事进口,出口,制造,批发和零售珠宝公司的合作社和其他法人团体组成。 有大约840名正规会员和12名组织成员。 支持成员包括日本珍珠促进会,日本金属协会和日本手表进口商协会。 支持会员还包括珠宝学校,从事珠宝进出口公司,宝石鉴定实验室等。 日本珠宝业协会(JJA)是代 …