After JJPTR - A new scam is here "PI NETWORK" - Lowyat.NET
2021年4月19日 · JJPTR dude: If i return to you, it will be unfair to the fans who supported me. all in all, whoever is ...
2017年5月5日 · rOISfF3FE34 JPTR founder Johnson Lee said he has currently fully refunded those who invested in the JJ2 account, and added that he will gradually refund members who had contributed to his company’s JJ1 account. JJPTR founder Johnson Lee confirmed that his company had incurred losses of US$400 million (RM1.7 billion), but claimed he could return this sum to his 400,000 “investors ...
2020年5月14日 · THE founder of the controversial investment scheme JJPTR is offering its members a chance to “recoup your losses” by mining cryptocurrency, reported Sin Chew Daily. Johnson Lee, who claimed in 2017 to have lost US$400mil after a hacking job, has since cooked up several new investment schemes purportedly to help members recover their losses.
2017年4月23日 · 50m gone from funds lol, blow water sampai kerbau terbang to space. 60IOs42pf1I Kfn-_01V-Wc vJyWpx5kFm0 Sozai everywhere 😙This post has been edited by heavensea: Apr 22 2017, 11:49 PM
7 didakwa buat pakatan 'scam' orang - Lowyat.NET
2024年12月21日 · tBj6D1tiO9o Balik Pulau: Tujuh lelaki dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Majistret di sini, hari ini atas pertuduhan membabitkan diri dalam sindiket penipuan skim pelaburan dalam talian tidak wujud pada awal bulan ini.Tertuduh Wong Yu Teng, 26; Lim Yong Aun, 30; Chin Chun Ze, 29; Ong Wye Chun, 38; Choo Wee Jen, 28; Jeremy Thiah Lae Jin, 33, dan Cheong Wymun, 33.Bagaimanapun, mereka mengaku tidak bersalah ...
ELI5: JJPTR - Lowyat.NET
2017年4月23日 · nope different. only makcik felda will fall for the after world investments and all that and you know those kinds dont have much money. but jjptr see so many fucking ultra so stupid ppl sell their lbusiness lifesavings coz they trusted 20 y.o ahbeng lulz
Hey guys what happened to JJPTR? - Lowyat.NET
2017年4月22日 · Sick my duck. Senior Member 1,469 posts Joined: Jan 2011
JJPTR Johnson Lee: Fully The Refund To - Lowyat.NET
2017年5月10日 · Controversial investment scheme JJPTR founder Johnson Lee has finally made an appearance in public.He appeared at a press conference facilitated by Gerakan, which featured 100 JJPTR investors with disabilities.At the press conference, Lee declined to take questions from the press, but returned the investments of 10 of these people, saying he would fully the refund the other 90.Several armed ...
Who is JJPTR founder girlfriend? - Lowyat.NET
2017年4月26日 · JJPTR has lot bank account in overseas and those bank account is not link to Forex account... Conclusion, Still got hundred million and asked GF go somewhere play eventually dump her and find good material... XD LIFE = MONEY!!! HELL YEAH!!!! $500 M
JJPTR, Richway or IGOFX - Lowyat.NET
2017年4月12日 · Far too many people I know including my hairdresser is into this sort of thing, the more YOLO types are the ones who put in RM4.8k (USD 1000, which is JJPTR's limit if i'm not wrong per IC number), and use the RM840 +/- they get in return every month to totally pay for their car loan, their justification is if it continues to work, almost free car.