Jk Jokes - 27 Hilarious Jk Jokes
Professor X: "What's your power?" JK Rowling: "I can rewrite the past of fictional characters." Gay Professor X: "Interesting." She's obviously very opinionated about trans coding. What is a redditor's most hated fencing move? The repost. How does the author of Harry Potter get down a hill? By walking. JK. Rolling.
Rowling Jokes - 14 Hilarious Rowling Jokes
Tributes have been lead by JK Rowling, his wife and the Queen of England. A big list of rowling jokes, submitted and ranked by users.
Jk Rowling Jokes - 5 Hilarious Jk Rowling Jokes
I'm so gay, JK Rowling actually just revealed I was straight all along. A big list of jk rowling jokes, submitted and ranked by users.
35+ Jk Rowling Jokes And Funny Puns - JokoJokes
35 jk rowling jokes and hilarious jk rowling puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about jk rowling that are clean and suitable for kids and friends. Short jk rowling jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The jk rowling humour may …
Witty Wands: 47+ Hilarious Jokes About J.K. Rowling - Pun and Jokes
J.K. Rowling, the mastermind behind the enchanting world of Harry Potter, has not only captured our imaginations but also inspired a slew of J.K. Rowling jokes and memes. Let’s dive into a cauldron of laughter with some rib-tickling one-liners!
LOL jk - Know Your Meme
LOL jk (jk meaning joke or just kidding) is used to lure your reader into a false sense of security, thus making them laugh afterwards. similar to the NOT! joke. some example are: Hey! i found nemo! LOL jk hes dead. PISS OFF! LOL jk i luv ya rly. I'd swin the ocean for you! LOL jk my turban would get wet. thanks for reading! some pages:
69 Times J. K. Rowling Brutally Destroyed Internet Trolls - Bored Panda
2017年2月2日 · It's common knowledge that Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling has a magical way with words, but these internet trolls found out the hard way that her comebacks are just as enchanting. The British novelist is often vocal about her political views, especially her support for the LGBTQ community and her disdain for Donald Trump.
43 Hilarious JK Puns - Punstoppable
Did you hear that a group of dads created the ultimate gun? It's called the jk-47. Did you hear about the anthology of literature written by prison inmates? It's called Prose and Cons. Sorry. I'll just get me coat... What did the director say to the staff …
8+ Funny Jk Jokes - Curious United
How did Harry potter get down the mountain? Running... JK rolling. Copied! How did Harry Potter cross the road? Copied! How do you keep a idiot occupied? I will tell you how in my next post- Jk the answer's in one of the comments, look through every single one and you are destined to discover the answer. Copied! What's the prognosis, Doc?
The 20+ Best Jk Jokes - Worst Jokes Ever
Jk jokes. 1K likes. Whats a depressed persons favorite drink Depresso expresso Jk bleach.