JLH Buffer - Homage to John Linsley Hood - diyAudio
2012年12月8日 · Cascoded JLH buffer will oscillate if not compensated properly. I did it with R3 and C7. Here are the Gains of compensated and non compensated Buffers. I tried different …
JLH Buffer - Homage to John Linsley Hood | Page 2 | diyAudio
2012年12月8日 · Just finished building a buffer preamp using John Linsley Hoods buffer stage powered by a simple linear regulator circuit and John's "Ripple Eater" circuit. Managed to get …
Improved Diamond Buffer Design | Page 3 | diyAudio
2008年10月6日 · The JLH buffer looks looks remarkable like a unity gain F5 with bipolar output stage. I think there are several advantages to have a dual/split feedback: - If the output clips at …
John Linsley Hood/JLH unity gain buffer - GroupDIY Audio Forum
2012年3月31日 · I'm interested in using the JLH output stage in a unity gain buffer as shown in the attachment. In simulation, the circuit oscillates when fed a square wave if C4 is not …
The Class-A Amplifier Site - JLH Headphone Amplifiers
2001年7月20日 · It may therefore necessary to provide an input buffer (see below), where otherwise a 'straight through' signal path would have been used. (A 3-head recorder system …
细数十年以来做过的耳放 - 〓发烧音响专区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2014年12月17日 · JLH电路是第一次尝试全分立元件,腐蚀做了一个实验PCB,连管子都用了插座。 做好后一听效果不错,简单电路也能出好声音啊。 由于JLH是单电源供电,而运放+晶体管 …
A Paul Kemble web page - John Linsley Hood preamp designs.
Because of the high quiescent current JLH recommended T03 style regulators (MC7812 CK, MC7912 CK) regulators, smoothed by 1mF and decoupled by 47µF per rail. The JLH 'ripple …
Philip Jackson's HiFi DIY Project - JLH Discrete Portable …
There is no question that the JLH class A discrete amplifier designs are very highly regarded. Because this variant uses a single rail from a single-sided power supply (+12 VDC/Ground), …
JLH 1969 - Pagina 2
2009年9月5日 · Io avevo da attaccare un pre a opamp (il PreSilent di Heao) ad un finale concettualmente molto simile al JLH, ma avevo anch'io un ronzio pauroso. Le ho provate tutte, …
JLH1969 Class A amplifier build | Page 3 | HiFiVision.com
2022年2月12日 · JLH is a very capable amp and can drive most of the speakers with ease even without a pre. If I may, some suggestions, Change the decoupling cap at the speaker out to …