Marine Corps JLTVs to receive 30mm chain guns to down enemy …
2020年9月8日 · The Marine Corps plans on loading up its brand new Joint Light Tactical Vehicles with a 30mm cannon to track and destroy enemy drones and aircraft, according to a new notice from the service
Gun Truck: Oshkosh Unveils 30mm Chaingun JLTV For Army Recon
Adding a 30 mm chaingun to JLTV — much bigger than the normal 12.7 mm machinegun — fixes the biggest shortfall the vehicle had for the LRV mission. The Army and Marines have long planned to...
WarWheels.Net- M1278/M1279/M1280/M1281 Joint Light Tactical Vehicle ...
In response to that requirement, Oshkosh Defense successfully tested their JLTV mounting a 30mm M230LF "Chain Gun" Cannon. However, as of 2020 it has been reported that the parameters of the LRV had changed and the JLTV was eliminated from consideration.
Oshkosh to Display JLTV Armed with 30mm Cannon
2016年9月9日 · Oshkosh Corp. will feature its Joint Light Tactical Vehicle outfitted with an Orbital ATK's M230 LF 30 mm lightweight automatic chain gun at the National Guard Association of the United States...
Oshkosh Unveils Joint Light Tactical Vehicle With Lethal New …
2017年10月11日 · With a modular design to accommodate armor plating fit for an MRAP, Oshkosh hopes the first 600 JLTVs, set for fielding by the Army and Marine Corps in early 2019, will represent a quantum leap...
The Marines’ Joint Light Tactical Vehicles Are In For An Upgrade — …
2020年9月22日 · According to a notice, the U.S. Marine Corps would like to equip some of their Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) with a 30mm chain gun to give better protection from air attack. The gun,...
美国JLTV联合轻型战术车:革新设计引发多维探讨 - 知乎
它装备了12.7毫米重机枪、 30mm机炮 以及先进的 激光武器系统 。这些武器系统的组合使得JLTV在战场上能够发挥出惊人的火力威力,对敌方目标造成毁灭性的打击。
Kongsberg Tapped To Deliver XM914 Remote Weapon ... - Defense Daily
2020年9月21日 · The XM914 is the first 30mm remote weapon station to be qualified for JLTV and includes 30mm x113mm driven cannon, a co-axial M240 machine gun, an integration for a Stinger missile launcher and built-in capacity for future C …
Oshkosh Defense Showcases Upgunned JLTV, M-ATV
2016年10月5日 · Among the vehicles Oshkosh Defense is showcasing at AUSA 2016 are a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) and MRAP All Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) with upgunned remote weapons systems mounting a 30mm gun, according to a company news release.
Up gunning Stryker and Oshkosh JLTV - Truppendienst
2017年7月12日 · The 30mm cannon has enhanced lethality capability over the .50 caliber gun. The 30mm M230LF is a more capable version of the 30mm cannon featured on the Apache helicopter and is a member of the Chain Gun family of externally powered, combat-reliable conventional automatic weapons.