Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle. The Oshkosh-developed JLTV was selected for acquisition under the US military's Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program.
JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) - Oshkosh Defense
With a protected gun mount, the JLTV HGC is the principal light vehicle for over-watch and direct fire support of infantry maneuvers, convoy escort, and security missions. Advanced non-kinetic weapon systems (such as lasers) can also be integrated to defend against swarming drones and other unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) threats.
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program was a U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and Special Operations Command competition to select a vehicle to partially replace the Humvee fleet [1] with a family of more survivable vehicles having a greater payload. Early studies for the JLTV program were approved in 2006.
JLTV - 百度百科
联合轻型战术车辆(jltv),是美国陆军应对新时代战争需求的一个车辆系统。 可以通过直升机、运输机等多种方式运输,并拥有全地形行驶(ATV)和防地雷反伏击(MRAP)的能力,符合美军联合战术需求,目前由奥什科什防卫公司(Oshkosh Defense)中标生产。
联合轻型战术车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月17日 · 联合轻型战术车 (英语: Joint Light Tactical Vehicle,简称 JLTV)是 美军 一个发展和洽谈中的国防计划,将研发新车型以取代 悍马车。 此车预计成为服役美军的主力四轮车种。 于2012年1月5日,TACOM宣布该方案已进入工程与制造发展(EMD)阶段 [2] ,EMD合约已于2012年8月23被授予 [3]。 2015年8月,美国陆军宣布由 奥什科甚公司 (Oshkosh Corp)得标,预计 美国陆军 将采购5万辆,而 海军陆战队 将采购1.6万辆 [4]。 截至2012年3月28日,有 …
2019年8月21日 · • The JLTV Family of Vehicles (FoV) is the partial replacement for the HMMWV fl eet for the Marine Corps and Army. The Services intend JLTV to provide increased crew protection against IEDs and underbody attacks, improved mobility, and higher reliability than the HMMWV. • The JLTV FoV consists of two mission categories: the JLTV
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) - Military.com
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is a Joint Army and Marine Corps program that provides vehicles, along with companion trailers, capable of...
JLTV - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) is a family of light multi-purpose vehicles designed as a replacement for the US Army and US Marine Corps HMMWV vehicles having greater payload and higher survivability. Furthermore, JLTV will provide power supply for on-board and outside components while the engine is on or during extended silent watch.
来认识一下美军战车JLTV,悍马的新表亲 - 知乎
今年晚些时候, 美国陆军计划全面量产名为“ 联合轻型战术车辆 ”(JLTV)的新战车。 到2041年,这一数字可能会达到4.9万辆。 五角大楼 坚称,JLTV并不是目前广泛装备的 悍马 系列的“一对一”替代品,它们将与数万辆悍马一起服役。 但人们对JLTV的最好理解仍然是由于悍马的局限性。 JLTV是一种四座多用途车辆,有多种配置。 它可以是通用型,也可以是重型火炮运载型,在顶部有一个火炮炮塔,可以容纳第五名乘员,或者是近战武器运载型,士兵可以发射反车辆武器, …
According to the Army, the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is an Army-led, joint-service program designed to replace a portion of each service’s light tactical wheeled vehicle fleets.
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