Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle.
JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) - Oshkosh Defense
The Oshkosh® Defense JLTV has consistently demonstrated its ability to fill critical capability gaps for U.S. and international militaries. The patented TAK-4iTM intelligent independent suspension system, scalable levels of protection, and complete plug-and-play C4ISR capability showcase the technology and engineering excellence at Oshkosh ...
JLTV A2 - AM General
We combine our unmatched Light Tactical Vehicle (LTV) experience with the proven transformative commercial manufacturing initiatives necessary to produce and deliver the JLTV A2 equipped with technical enhancements that surpass requirements. The JLTV A2 is built to meet mission demands across the full range of military operations.
How the Humvee Compares to the New Oshkosh JLTV - MotorTrend
2019年5月17日 · Although Humvees will continue to serve behind-the-scenes with the Army and Marines until 2050, the new JLTV (short for Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) is as much as a technology leap over the...
Oshkosh JLTV First Drive Review - MotorTrend
2019年7月3日 · Likely to be better known as the Oshkosh JLTV, we got behind the wheel of the new Baja-bred and Duramax-powered armored truck before it officially goes into service late next year.
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) - Military.com
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV) is a Joint Army and Marine Corps program that provides vehicles, along with companion trailers, capable of...
The 21st-century jeep: The military's holy grail - USA TODAY
2013年8月8日 · Three defense contractors are vying for the prize: production of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), the successor to the Humvee. The stakes: tens of billions of dollars in orders from the...
来认识一下美军战车JLTV,悍马的新表亲 - 知乎
Military's New Jeep Costs $560,000 Apiece - TIME
2015年9月3日 · Roughly speaking, a JLTV will cost about 10 times as much as a Humvee, which in turn was 10 times the cost of the Jeep (rhymes with cheap) it replaced. To save money, the Army will hang on to...
这款军用SUV扛得住导弹,躲得了地雷,悍马的接班人JLTV为何如 …
2017年5月25日 · JLTV是Joint Light Tactical Vehicle的首字母缩写,意为联合轻型战术车,是美军新一代轻型战车标准。 尽管如此,悍马这款几乎成为了美军象征的经典军车仍将作为后勤运输车辆继续在海军陆战队服役至2050年。