JLTV和M-ATV有什么区别? - 哔哩哔哩
JLTV车型定位是以全面取代“悍马”为目的的轻型战术车辆,所以在重量上要比M-ATV轻得多,大概在6500-8000千克之间;而M-ATV属于防雷车,在兼顾越野和运载能力的同时,也拥有不俗的防护性能,具有比JLTV更强的战场生存能力,尤其是对付地雷和路边炸弹的能力。 根据不同配置,M-ATV重量可达12500-14000千克。 (文中数据仅供参考) JLTV联合轻型战术车辆. 装备“战利品”LV主动防护系统和M230LF链式炮的JLTV. 搭载波音公司SHORAD武器站的JLTV. M-ATV防 …
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle. The Oshkosh-developed JLTV was selected for acquisition under the US military's Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program.
What is The Main Difference M-ATV vs JLTV - YouTube
One of the main reasons to say so is that JLTVs are more adjustable. Therefore, these vehicles are better transportable by air, land, and sea. At the same time, the lighter weight pattern also...
M-ATV and JLTV - Defense Media Network
Although possessing different schedules and urgencies, the M-ATV and JLTV efforts share the common goal of providing U.S. warfighters with “the perfect beast” for the broadest spectrum of modern combat operations.
JLTV - 百度百科
联合轻型战术车辆(JLTV),是美国陆军应对新时代战争需求的一个车辆系统。可以通过直升机、运输机等多种方式运输,并拥有全地形行驶(ATV)和防地雷反伏击(MRAP)的能力,符合美军联合战术需求,目前由奥什科什防卫公司(Oshkosh Defense)中标生产。
来认识一下美军战车JLTV,悍马的新表亲 - 知乎
2023年11月9日 · 美国JLTV(Joint Light Tactical Vehicle)战术车辆与中国的第三代轻型猛士车辆都是目前世界上先进的装甲车辆之一,它们在陆军作战中具有重要的作用。 本文将从性能、机动性、防护性能、通信和信息系统、武器配置、生产和成本等方面对这两款装甲车辆进行详细 ...
2019年4月19日 · jltv和 m-atv两个姊妹有着相似的前脸,要认真辨识,才能分析清楚。 (1)m-atv ,车型的定位是防雷车。其典型特征是:发动机空滤在副驾驶位右前方,采用了明显的大梁结构和v型车底。
Oshkosh M-ATV - Wikipedia
The M-ATV proved to be more survivable than the Humvee and was lighter than other MRAP versions, but to further enhance survivability and mobility for troops, the U.S. military undertook the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program to obtain a vehicle combining light weight, mobility, and protection.
研判:研判基于扁线电机的美军JLTV增程式油电混动装甲车技术状 …